Vitamins to Boost Immune System and Fight Viruses

You need vitamins to boost the immune system because vitamins are incredible for your immunity and have other health benefits.

First of all, the human body’s immune system helps to fight germs, viruses, bacteria, and other micro-organisms again.

Moreover, your immune system is innovative; once they fight micro-organisms, they always remember to fight it again if the same micro-organism attacks the body.

The Vitamins to Boost Immune System and How It Helps

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is important to keep the immune function in the best condition. Foods rich in vitamin B6 are tuna, chicken, salmon, green vegetables, and chickpeas.

It also helps the biochemical reaction of the immunity function.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the most to boost the immunity system. Moreover, a lack of vitamin C might make you sick and restless.

Daily consumption of vitamin C is vital for health since the human body cannot produce it or store it. Vitamin C is found in so many foods that generally, most people do not need supplements.

Vitamin D

The primary purpose of vitamin D is to help the body to regulate ideal blood levels of phosphorous and calcium, which most people get from sun exposure or supplements.

Vitamin E

It is an anti-oxidant that fights against infection. Seeds, spinach, and nuts are rich in vitamin E. However, other vitamins also play an important role in boosting the immunity system.

26 foods with high vitamin percentage

Here some ingredients options which are rich in vitamins to boost the immune system:

Cod Liver Oil

Lack of vitamin D is a widespread problem for most people in the world.

The reason is mainly that foods containing vitamin D are scarce. Foods like cod liver oil, fatty fish, mushrooms, and egg yolks have vitamin D.

Vitamin D is vital for the health of the bone. It is also a critical part of various bodily processes such as immune function and cancer prevention.

One tablespoon or 14 milliliter of cod liver oil has 2 to 3 grams of omega 3 fatty fats and almost 1,400 IU of vitamin D, which is actually way more than 100 percent of RDI for vitamin D.

However, an excess amount of cod liver oil is not suitable for health. So do not take more than 28 milliliters per day.

Cod Liver Oil


Fishes are a good source of vitamins to boost the immune system. They have 9 out of 14 important vitamins. The vitamins that are included are vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin D, and vitamin E. However, trout and tuna have the highest vitamin contain.

Yellow Bell Peppers

They are an excellent source of dietary vitamin C.

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin. They are soluble in water, which means the body does not store any additional quantities. Thus, frequently having vitamin C is a need.

High vitamin C consumption improved immunity function, lowers the risk of some chronic illnesses, and lessens DNA damage.

Some of the signs of vitamin C deficiency are skin rashes, bleeding disorder, weakness, and muscle ache.

180 grams of yellow bell pepper has about 600 percent of RDI for vitamin C.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens, mainly dark-colored ones, are an outstanding vitamin source to boost the immune system. They have 8 out of 14 important vitamins.

The vitamins included are vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, and beta carotene.

Vitamins to Boost Immune System


They are a type of fish that are oily, small but is rich in nutrients.

Sardines are mostly found canned, but you can also smoke, pickled, grill, and make a curry.

Sardines are also high in DHA and EPA essential omega 3 fatty acids.

100 grams of sardine has 300 percent of RDI for vitamin B and half of RDI for EPA and DHA.


They are an excellent source for 4 out of 14 important vitamins, including vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, and vitamin D.

Moreover, they are low in calories and carbohydrates.

Some of the mushroom choices are button mushroom, shiitake mushroom, and portobello mushroom.


Kale has an amazing source of vitamins to boost the immune system and is also packed with nutrients, especially with vitamin K1.

Vitamin K1 is vital for blood clotting and helps to maintain bone health.

20 grams of kale has 67 percent of Reference Daily Intake (RDI) of vitamin K1 and 21 percent of Reference Daily Intake (RDI) of vitamin C.


Nuts also have 4 out of 14 important vitamins, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, and vitamin E.

They are suitable for the heart and is low in cholesterol levels.



One-third of the world population suffers from iodine deficiency. For adults, it causes thyroid issues. Also, for a pregnant woman, it might increases the chances of developing abnormalities in the baby.

Some seaweed varieties are wakame, nori, kombu, and kelp, and they are all high in iodine.

Brown seaweeds include kombu and wakame, have more iodine than green seaweed-like nori.

Kombu has the most iodine content among all seaweeds.

A gram of dry kombu has 2,344 mcg of iodine, which is a lot more than RDI.

However, it is recommended that a person should not consume more than 1,100 mcg daily. That’s why doctors do not suggest eating seaweed every day.


Eggs have 4 out of 14 vital vitamins such as vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, and vitamin D.

Even though eggs are suitable for the heart, but they are actually high in cholesterol levels. So, do not have more than 2 eggs each day.


The liver of any animal is the most beneficial and nutrient-rich. It has vitamin A, vitamin B12, folate, copper, and iron.

Vitamin B12 consumption is mainly vital, as numerous individuals are deficient in it. It plays a key role in maintaining nervous system health, cell, and brain.

Beef liver has the highest amount of vitamin A, vitamin B12, and copper. 100 grams of beef as 1,200 percent of RDI of vitamin B12, 650 to 700 percent of RDI of vitamin A and 600 to 700 percent of RDI of copper

But, do not consume it daily. Once or twice a week is sufficient for the health.


Brazil Nut

If you are suffering from selenium deficiency, then brazil nuts are a great choice.

Selenium is vital for the thyroid and immune system.

Just one brazil nut has 50 to 70 mcg of RDI for selenium. Some nuts even have 94 mcg of selenium.

However, an adult should not consume more than 300 to 400 mcg of selenium per day, so do not eat too many nuts.


Avocados also have vitamins to boost the immune system, and 4 out of 14 vital vitamins are present in them.

Vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, and vitamin E are present in avocado. However, they are very high in fat, so do not eat more than one avocado per day.


Shellfish, like oysters and clams, has maximum nutritious value among seafood.

Clams are rich in vitamin B12. As a matter of fact, 100 grams has more than 1,600 percent of the RDI.

Moreover, they are also packed with vitamin B, iron, potassium, and selenium.

Oysters are also rich in zinc and vitamin B12, and 100 grams has 600 percent of the RDI.

They are actually the best food for older adults. That’s because more amount of vitamin B12 is suggested to people after 50 as the ability to absorb vitamin B12 lessens as a person grows older.



Pork has 6 out of 14 vital vitamins: vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, and vitamin D., Some of the good pork cuts are shoulder and pork chops.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamin A, and it also has vitamin B6, vitamin C, and vitamin D. It is a good source of fiber and is also gluten-free.

They are anti-inflammatory, good for the heart, detoxify the body, and regulates blood sugar levels.

It also has choline, which maintains brain health, supports liver health, and reduces weight.


They are excellent for the heart and have vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

OtheBesidesntaining and boosting the immune system, they also help to maintain bone health, cure stomach disorders and, reduce cholesterol levels.


Acorn Squash

Acorn squash is filled with vitamin A, vitamin C, and magnesium. Just one acorn squash cup has 37 percent of RDI for vitamin C and 9 percent of RDI for vitamin A. Beta-carotene present in acorn squash protects the skin from sun damage.

Carotenoids, another nutrient, lowers the risk of any heart issues. Moreover, it is said that carotenoids from foods can only do this, and supplements do not work.


Meat from chicken is a high protein and sugar-free meal. Chicken breast has lean protein. That’s why it is added to most diet plans.

It also helps to maintain body weight, maintain lean body mass, and promotes muscle growth.


Black beans, pinto beans, and navy beans are all rich in vitamin B1.

Moreover, they also have proteins suitable for the heart, needed to regulate good health and boost energy.

A small cup of beans has 63 percent of RDI for vitamin B1.



Carrots are very inexpensive and readily available vegetables. Moreover, the best thing is that just a cup of raw carrots has 5 percent of RDI for vitamin B2. Add carrots to your dishes or salad for added benefits.


Almonds are loaded with vitamin E, copper, potassium, calcium, and riboflavin.

Riboflavin helps strengthen the immune system, improves the digestive system, increases the absorption of minerals, and aids in energy production.

30 grams of almond has 29 milligrams of riboflavin.


Cheese is an excellent source of vitamin B2, vitamin B12, and calcium. Caraway, brie, romano, and Limburger cheese are exceptionally high in vitamin B2.

Vitamin B2 improves the immune system, protects the nervous system, muscle growth, supports eye health, prevents migraine, treats amenia, and healthy fetal development.

Cheese has the most vitamin B2, and 100 grams has 0.56 milligrams of the vitamin.


Raw garlic has a lot of health benefits and is high in vitamin B6. 100 grams of garlic has 1.24 milligrams of vitamin B6 and per clove has around 0.05 milligram.

Garlic is also beneficial for the digestive system, helps treat cough and cold, cures hypertension, reduces high cholesterol levels, and cures respiratory problems.

Vitamins to Boost Immune System


Turkey is known as a superfood as it contains vitamin B3, vitamin B6, amino acids, phosphorus, and selenium. It is also low in saturated fat, and 30 grams of turkey has only a gram of fat.

Selenium helps to boost the immune system and good for maintaining healthy thyroid function.

Vitamin B3 or niacin produces energy, maintain the mental state of a person and reduce nausea and fatigue.

Vitamin B6 improves immune function, reduces tiredness and weakness, is suitable for brain health, maintains the blood’s health, and promotes healthy hair.

Phosphorus is needed by every cell of the human body to work usually, boost immunity, contribute to energy production, maintain bone health, and keep dental health checked.

Swiss chard

Swiss chard is one of the green plants which is rich in biotin. Biotin helps to stimulate metabolism, maintain blood sugar levels, and maintenance of muscle tissue. 100 grams of Swiss chard has 0.405 milligrams of biotin.

Final thoughts

Always choose food that has a high number of vitamins to boost the immune system.

However, some people might need multivitamin supplements, but in general, it is unnecessary.

You can increase vitamin consumption by only eating your regular food. Add some whole foods to your daily routine.

Shusree Mukherjee
Shusree Mukherjee
With 10+ years of experience in SEO content writing, Shusree believes content can move mountains while you deep dive into a pool of new experiences through learning and unlearning. Shusree loves to write on travel, health, beauty, celebrity, food, and all that jazz.

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