Top Countries to Invest in Real Estate

Buying property abroad is one of the most reliable investments. Experts often emphasize that the investor receives a source of regular income, plus a nice bonus – the opportunity to peacefully relax in your home with the sea view. In which countries is it better to invest in 2020? Let’s figure it out. new apartment for sale in Peyia


You may not always search to invest abroad. Statistics show that investors consider the US property market the most stable and secure in the world. Real estate in Hawaii is in great demand and its prices are constantly growing. Over the past 25 years, real estate prices in Honolulu have increased sixfold, according to Pacific Business News. A lot of world celebrities like John Travolta, Oprah Winfrey, Pierce Brosnan, Sean Penn, Ben Stiller, and others have purchased a house here. Except for Honolulu, the growing popularity of Waipahu real estate makes it a perfect investment as well.


If a person wants to buy property on the first or second line of the sea or make money on construction, then Turkey should be considered. The prices here are at the level of Bulgaria and Georgia, although the duration of the season and earnings from renting are twice as high! There is also a high potential for growth due to the fact that in 2018 prices decreased by 20-40% due to the devaluation of the lira.

Now it is high time to enter the Turkish market. If in 2017, the prices of developers started from 40-45 thousand euros, now there are offers for 28-30 thousand euros on the market.


If we are considering Thailand, then this is a good country to buy and rent. There are many guaranteed rental programs: a person simply buys real estate, gives it to a management company and receives his income. There is a guaranteed rental at 7% per annum, at 10% and even at 12% – but this is an investment for 5-10-15 years. Real estate is often managed not by nameless Thai companies but by such giants of the hotel business as Sheraton, Best Western, Wyndham or Marriott. So, we believe it is worth considering.

Other Directions

Other Directions

Such countries as Cyprus and Bulgaria have become interesting for investors. You should consider Spain for long-term investments – buy now and sell in 5-10-15 years, when real estate in this country will come to normal. Cyprus is a country that is now in the first place among potential investors who want to obtain either second citizenship or a residence permit through the purchase of the real estate. Among the other directions we recommend to pay your attention to the following countries:

  • Germany,
  • Montenegro,
  • Poland,
  • Greece
  • Spain,
  • Brazil,
  • Belize,
  • Puerto Rico, etc.

Each state has its own incoming conditions and prices. If a person thinks about investing in real estate abroad, first of all, he/she needs to answer the question: “Why do I want to buy this apartment or house?” The choice of the country, location, type of real estate and all further actions depend on the answer. So, now it is time to make your choice.


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