Ok, the idea of a summer school might not be the most appealing, you have just spend a whole academic year working hard, and you are finally free. The someone suggests a summer school, but wait. What if the summer school was in a whole other country and gave you something totally awesome to add to your resume before applying to the university? Tom Whale from Oxford Summer School sees a massive number of students attending from other countries and they are only too aware of the benefits. So what do they know that you need to learn?
New Language Skills
Irrespective of what course you choose to study, learning in another country gives you the chance to enhance your language skills as you will be soaking up the local culture. Getting stuck in and trying to get to grips with the basics is advisable although of course, you will be able to learn in your own language when it comes to the course you choose.
Give You Confidence
The more you do as an adult, the more you will realise that new experiences can be daunting, but they also help to enhance and advance your life. Heading to another country to a summer school gives you a well organised and safe way to expand your horizons. You will also be meeting new people and learning new languages so you could argue that this is the whole package. Being brave enough to do this now will give you so much confidence that start university back in your own country is going to seem like such a breeze. You can hold your head up high and stroll in knowing you have already tackled a much more nerve-racking experience and been victorious.
Aids University Application
Summer schools are so good for your education profile, and when you apply for a university, you will be one of the hundreds. In order to decide who to offer places to the staff have various assessment methods, and of course, your grades play a part, but when it comes down to the wire, those with extended activities outside of the standard curriculum will stand out. By attending summer school, you are demonstrating so many positive things about your character and willingness to learn that you will find yourself standing head and shoulders about the competition. It shows you are committed, flexible and not afraid of challenges, and being in another country will earn you even more kudos points.
Have Fun
Of course, summer schools aren’t all about the serious learning aspects. While your studies are beneficial, you will be living with a group of new people and have the chance to explore the local area. This means you can make some new friends and have some great adventures you might not ever have the chance to do again. There will be social events and plenty of organised things to do, so time will fly, and you will make a million memories that will last a lifetime.