Smallest Person In The World

How it is like to be the Guinness book of world records smallest man in the world?

“Dwarfism” a word that lands to our ears many times. But have you ever thought, how can it feels or how it would like to be the Dwarf? No one can explain to you better than the smallest man in the world.

So, let’s explore on, how it actually likes to be the smallest man in the world (smallest person in the world).

Chandra Bahadur Dangi, Yes, this was the name of the smallest person in the world who died in the year 2015 at the age of 75.


Chandra Bahadur Dangi was born on 30th November, 1939 and raised in a village Reemkholi located in the Dang district which is present in the tiny country called Nepal.

Dangi was born good but later got diagnosed with the condition called Primordial Dwarfism. This a disorder where the growth of the person gets rest or delayed at the initial development stage. Dangi’s physical growth stopped when he was 1 feet and 9.5 inches tall. Even his weight became obstructive and remain around 31 pounds for his whole life.

Dangi was a simple man with an ordinary style of living. Before approached by the team of Guinness World Record he never ever left his home village.

While visiting a mountainous village of Reemkholi, a Timber wood contractor noticed Dangi and with his obsession he told the complete story to the media and thus bringing up the real sunrise in the life of smallest man in the world.

In 2012 when the Guinness World Record team gave this man a visit, they found Dangi who actually belongs to the title of the smallest person in the world. Before Chandra Bahadur Dangi, this record was in the little hands of a Filipino boy named Junrey Balawing with the height of 23.5 inches. Dangi was 72 year old when he was awarded the title.

Dangi was given the crown of the smallest man in the world in the year of 2012 and thus gave a quick start to his journey across the countries. Over this short period between 2012 and 2015 Guinness World Record gave Dangi opportunities to visit many countries of the world.

On this change in lifestyle, Dangi said that he is honoured with the title and this has completed his urge of traveling and visiting some of the best places in the world.

In the same year of 2012, he met the world’s smallest girl alive Joyti Amge and both of them posed for The Guinness Book of World Records 57th edition.

On 13, November 2014 at London, Dangi got an opportunity to meet the Tallest man in the world Sultan Kösen (8 feet 3 inch tall). The occasion was to pose for the Genuine World Records Day celebration picture. Just after meeting Dangi, Sultan Kösen gave an interview to The Telegraph, where he said, “ I looked into Dangi’s eyes and found out that he is a nice man with a kind heart.”

On the meeting with Sultan Kösen in London Dangi told The Telegraph, “I am honoured to visit London and meeting Sultan makes it even more special. I am very much happy that I represent my country, Nepal for this title and I very humbled by the support I am getting from the team.”

There were many places where Dangi uses to visit as a Special guest or the Guest of Honor. In the year 2015, he showed up at Rambo Circus in Mumbai, India. In the circus, he told everyone that he give his credit for good health to his disciplined lifestyle and healthy eating habits.

However, late in the summer of 2015, he fell ill. He had to visit American Samoa, even though I’ll he went them. At American Samoa, his condition started becoming even worse and he died in September 3rd of 2015 after spending 10 days in the Lyndon B. Johnson Tropical Medical Center due to Pneumonia.

On his death, Guinness Book of World Records stated, “ GWR want to express its heartfelt and sincere condolences to the family members of the Chandra Bahadur Dangi. He will always be remembered for the extraordinary and iconic record he holds.”

Later the Lyndon B. Johnson Tropical Medical Center gave Dangi’s body to his family members. His body was taken back at Nepal.

Soon after the death of Dangi the recognition of the shortest man in the world alive was given back to Junrey Balawing, though Dangi is still the ever recorded smallest person in the world.

Loves to write and keen learner to approaches follow.

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