What Is The Smallest Country In The World

Have you ever wondered what is the smallest country in the world? Here we have shared a list of the 7 smallest countries by overall land area. These are some of the most cozy islands, countries and places on earth.

With more than 200 countries around the world, it’s natural to think that the word “country” is linked to a huge land area with large population of people. Few nations are so small that the cities inside other nations are gigantic when compared to them. Typically found in the Carribean, the Pacific and Europe there are several countries in the world with less than 400 square kilometers area.

With their own culture and governments, these small countries are also few of the most secluded, most intriguing and richest, countries in the world. Let’s take a look at the list of “The 7 Smallest Countries in the World” to find out which is the smallest country in the world.

Nevis and Saint Kitts – 261 km²The 7 Smallest Countries in the World-Nevis and Saint Kitts

The Mother Colony of West Indies, these two Caribbean islands are one of the first ones to be claimed by Europeans. Its financial system is reliant on agriculture, tourism and manufacturing industries. The islands also have extraordinary diving sites attributable to copious marine life. A foremost sugar exporter for past few centuries, the huge plantations are currently stunning estates that have been transformed into resorts and hotels.

Liechtenstein – 160 km²The 7 Smallest Countries in the World-Liechtenstein

A country with German language, it is the only nation on the planet to be fully sited in the Alps. Situated between Austria and Switzerland, Liechtenstein is by far the richest country on earth by GDP per capita, having the lowest unemployment rate of just 1.5%. Getting in this country is a little complicated without an airport. Visitors need go via Switzerland’s Zurich Airport to arrive at this Alpine country which is till date ruled by a prince.

San Marino – 61 km²The 7 Smallest Countries in the World-San Marino

Completely enclosed by Italy, San Marino is also recognized as Most Serene Republic of San Marino. Asserting to be the most oldest existing sovereign state of the world, it is also found to be one of the wealthiest countries. It is the third smallest country of Europe, with a population of no more than 30,000, proudly boasting exceptionally low unemployment rates.

Tuvalu – 26 km²The 7 Smallest Countries in the World-Tuvalu

Once famous as the Ellice Islands, Tuvalu is placed in the Pacific Ocean towards west of Australia. There are around 10,000 residents, with roads about 8kms, and just 1 hospital there on the core island. The country was a long time ago a British territory however in 1978 it became independent. A tricky place to reach to, tourism is not especially noteworthy. In the year 2010, less than 2,000 guests visited Tuvalu, with a large chunk i.e. 65% of the visitors coming there for business.

Nauru – 21 km²The 7 Smallest Countries in the World-Nauru

Located East of Australia, Nauru is an island nation and it is also the smallest island country of the world. In 1980’s it was famous for thriving phosphate mining however now it is a silent and calm island and is totally off the radar of tourists. In the past identified as Pleasant Island, its phosphate assets have now exhausted, causing a 90% unemployment rate on national level, with remaining 10% government employees. Nauru is also well-known as the country with the majority of overweight people in the world, with 93% women and 97% men being overweight or obese. For this reason, Nauru is also gets the title of the country with highest level of type-2 diabetes in the world, with over 40% of the population suffering from this disease.

Monaco – 2 km²The 7 Smallest Countries in the World-Monaco

Found on the French Riviera, Monaco is the home to the major number of billionaires and millionaires per capita around the world. Famous for its luxury goods industry and gambling, Monaco is a preferred recreational spot for the rich and the famous. Surrounded by France on three sides and the fourth side by Mediterranean Sea, the inhabitants of Monaco are typically French speaking. Monaco is one of the world’s most densely populated countries with a population of more than 36,000. Formula 1 race is the most famous annual event with tracks created through the city streets.

Vatican – 0.44 km²

The 7 Smallest Countries in the World-Vatican

Coming back to where we started let us go back to the question which is the smallest country in the world? The smallest country in the world is the Vatican, also called as the Holy See. This country comes inside Rome the Italian capital city, and is at the center of Catholic Church. It also has the biggest church in the world the St. Peter’s Basilica, and has some of the most momentous art works of Renaissance like The Pieta and Creation of Adam. Its revenue comes from the charitable contributions of more than one billion members of Roman Catholic Church from all over the world. The remainder of the economy comes from sales of tourist mementos, postage stamps and charge for museums.

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