Side Effects of Deworming Dog and How to Prevent Them

Deworming regularly is crucial to keep your beloved furry companion happy and healthy. However, there are some side effects of deworming dog that you should know as a responsible pet parent. You also need to figure out what medications to use and what to do to ease the side effects. So, in this article, we will cover every aspect of this veterinary practice.

Why is deworming important?

Dogs are the most adorable creatures who fill our homes with love and laughter.

If a home has a dog, there can never be a dull moment.

Sadly, they don’t have the lifespan of humans.

So, all pet parents try to give the best care to their dogs to ensure they are healthy and live longer.

When it comes to safeguarding a dog’s health, deworming is as essential as the yearly vaccination doses. Here’s why:

Internal parasites and intestinal worms (like hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, and whipworms) tend to grow in the intestinal tract of animals.

If there is worm overload, a dog can fall severely ill. For a puppy, there are greater risks as the worms will stunt the growth of the poor baby.

These parasites don’t just attack the immune system of the dog but can also get transmitted to the human body.

They can threaten the health of humans, especially babies. This happens when a human comes in contact with dog feces containing worms or other contaminated environments.

So, all pet parents should take deworming as seriously as they take flea treatment.

Side Effects of Deworming Dog

How often should you deworm a dog?

How frequently you should give deworming medicine to a dog depends on its age. For an adult dog, a quarterly treatment will suffice.

You need to come up with a deworming schedule according to your dog’s diet and lifestyle. Another factor to keep in mind is the dog’s exposure to infection sources.

During the first year of a dog’s life, it is more vulnerable to harmful internal parasites. A puppy may acquire worms from its mother or the surroundings.

If there are worms in its system, it will suffer from issues like vomiting, stomach ache, diarrhea, etc. So, vets recommend feeding the deworming medicine every month.

What are the side effects of deworming a dog?

While most puppies and dogs can handle deworming treatments without any issues, some can’t. They may experience the following temporary side effects:


After being given the deworming medicine, a dog might feel tired for some time and it’s quite common. As the medicine starts to do its work, the process can cause some stress on the body of the dog.

So, if your dog is lethargic, don’t force it to play or do activities. Let it rest for 24- 48 hours and provide a quiet environment. The more they sleep, the quicker they will recover. Once the dog’s body eliminates all the parasites, it will be energetic and playful again.

Passing worms in poop

If there are worms thriving in the pet’s body, they might become visible in the stool. If there are too many worms, it is natural see them in the poop. However, worms can be spotted in the poop even after the dog consumes the deworming medication. You should not freak out as it is a positive thing.

Deworming medications target the intestinal worms inhabiting the digestive tract of dogs and kill them. As the powerful medicine takes effect, the worms will be forced to leave the body along with stool. Hence, passing worms in the feces is a sign the medicine has been effective in flushing out the parasite from the dog’s system.

Gastrointestinal upset

Has your dog vomited once or twice after you fed the deworming tablets? Mild stomach problems can arise because of the effects of deworming medication. Other than vomiting, loose stool is among the common side effects of deworming dog.

Diarrhea or nausea is because of the medication’s action as its job is to target and remove intestinal parasites. So, the elimination of worms can lead to some discomfort for a day or two.

While you can’t skip the deworming medication, there is a way to minimize stomach problems. Administer the medicine as per the guidelines of your vet and give it along with food. The best way to give it is when it’s dinner time, allowing the pet to sleep through the night.

Stomach irritation will go away after two days. If it still remains or worsens, it could be for some other reason. So, you should not delay seeking vet care for early diagnosis of the condition.

Allergic reactions

One of the rarest side effects of deworming dog is allergy. Your pet can be allergic to a specific ingredient present in the deworming medicine the vet has prescribed. Hives, swelling of the paws or face, difficulty breathing, and itching are some of the symptoms of allergies.

Allergies can make a dog uncomfortable and it will keep licking the itchy areas. So, you should consult the vet immediately to know how to provide relief. To prevent allergies in the future, request the doctor to change the medicine and prescribe something that suits your dog.

Even if the above-mentioned side effects occur, remember that deworming is compulsory. Parasitic infestations can be extremely harmful and therefore, deworming’s advantages far outweigh the mild side effects.

Do puppies and adult dogs have the same deworming side effects?

Puppies have a weak immunity and worm infestations affect them more. As their immune system is still developing, their reaction to deworming medications is more intense. So, the side effects for puppies can be the same as the side effects of deworming a dog that’s fully grown.

Moreover, the side effects aren’t different but they are more pronounced in the case of pups. They may suffer from issues like abdominal cramping. If there have been too many worms, the intestinal tract may get inflamed temporarily due to the passing of worms. All these side effects will resolve quickly if the puppy gets simple food and sufficient rest.

Prevention of deworming side effects

If you want to maintain the well-being of your four-legged baby, you should reduce the effects of deworming. Achieving this won’t be challenging if you are vigilant and make informed decisions. The first thing that you need to keep in mind is selecting the right deworming medication.

The deworming medicine’s dose is equally crucial and it varies based on the animal’s age. You should always take the advice of a veterinarian as they will provide the most reliable guidance. They decipher the most appropriate treatment keeping in mind the dog’s weight, health condition, and age.

Once you have consulted the vet, follow the dosage directions dedicatedly and overdosing can be dangerous, especially for puppies. After that, monitor and promptly inform the vet if there is any complication. If you have been considering natural ways of deworming dogs, you must verify their efficacy and safety.

Additionally, it is the duty of every pet parent to provide a hygienic ambiance to the pet. If you keep your pet clean and provide nutritious meals, it will be strong and won’t fall sick. By taking these simple precautions, even amateur pet parents can ensure a successful and safe deworming procedure that benefits their darling companions.

Should you visit a vet for deworming side effects?

Pets are sensitive and therefore, keep an eye on your doggo for 24 hours after the deworming is done. If they sleep longer or have some digestive problems, there is no reason to panic.

However, if you notice unusual signs such as difficulty breathing, swelling, or intense itching, you should not ignore them. These could indicate an allergic reaction which is a rare occurrence. In that case, rush to the vet at the earliest instead of giving other medicines on your own.

Final thoughts

We may conclude by saying that setting up a deworming routine is mandatory to keep parasite infestations at bay. There is no reason to worry if your dog faces mild discomfort after you perform the procedure. Now that you know the side effects of deworming dog, it will be easy for you to look after your pet.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the signs your dog has worms?

If you are observant, you can realize that your dog might have worms. Some of the obvious signs are eating feces, vomiting, having a dry and lusterless coat, weight loss, diarrhea, bloating, and excessive scooting.

2. What should I avoid after deworming my dog?

There aren’t any dietary restrictions to follow after giving deworming tablets to a dog. You should stick to the regular diet and make your pet go to bed on time. Avoid disturbing it if it seems fatigued and drowsy.

3. What are the disadvantages of deworming?

Deworming a dog is vital to keep it and your family members healthy. So, there aren’t any disadvantages of it. However, your four-legged pal may experience some mild symptoms after deworming. These include vomiting, headache, and dizziness and they will all subside automatically.

Shusree Mukherjee
Shusree Mukherjee
With 10+ years of experience in SEO content writing, Shusree believes content can move mountains while you deep dive into a pool of new experiences through learning and unlearning. Shusree loves to write on travel, health, beauty, celebrity, food, and all that jazz.

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