The Potential Risks Of Driving At An Old Age And Ways To Combat Them

It’s hard to ignore the statistics. A large portion of accidents that happen on the roadway are caused by elderly people. The reasons these accidents happen are incredibly varied, but the statistics show that driving at an old age is dangerous.

There are ways to avoid to problem but you first have to address the warning signs. It’s never easy letting someone you love know that their driving is dangerous, but if you notice these warning signs it’s probably best that you do. Protect them and help them.

The Potential Risks of Driving At An Old Age And Ways To Combat Them

Warning Signs Driving At An Old Age Is Dangerous

  1. Drifting into another lane while driving.
  2. Driving in multiple lanes without realizing.
  3. Suddenly changing lanes for no reason.
  4. Ignoring and missing traffic signals and stop signs.
  5. Being confused while driving.
  6. Abruptly braking without a reason.
  7. Coasting while driving in traffic.
  8. Pressing both the accelerator and brake pedals.
  9. Accelerating in traffic without a reason.
  10. Not seeing other vehicles, pedestrians, or objects.
  11. Increased anxiety when they’re behind the wheel.
  12. Driving slower than the speed limit or other cars.
  13. Backing up if they miss a turn or exit.
  14. Reacting slowly to external stimuli.
  15. Poor neck and back flexibility while turning to see traffic.
  16. Getting lost easily, even in places they know.
  17. Not using turn signals or leaving their signals on.
  18. Getting into “near miss” situations.
  19. Receiving traffic citations from police officers.
  20. Getting new dents or scrapes on their vehicle.

How To Combat Old Age Driving Issues

If you’re nervous about a family member or a friend that you feel is beginning to become more dangerous while they’re driving on the road, there are ways you can help them. If they do not want to stop driving and refuse to listen to you when you make assessments on their driving, you can call your local DMV to get help.

While calling your local DMV may not be your first choice, it can help them realize that you are doing it out of love. The DMV can require them to participate in programs to improve their driving or they risk losing their license.

When you call the DMV you are going to need to give them the name of the person that appears on their driver’s license. You will also need to give the person’s birthdate, and their driver’s license number if you know it. You will need to provide their address and give an explanation of the types of behavior you observed that make you think the person is an unsafe driver.

What you tell the DMV will be held confidential so you do not have to worry about your name appearing as the concerned citizen or family member.

Improving Your Driving In Old Age

If the person you are concerned about does not want to stop driving or give up their driver’s license, there are programs available to help them improve their driving. Senior driving courses can help them refresh their skills and become more aware of how their driving affects other people. And while you get your loved ones enrolled in one of these programs, try to explain them about why they should get a guaranteed life insurance from a reliable provider. There are no certainties to life and everyone must have a life insurance not just for themselves, but also for their families.

These types of programs work for all types of drivers, young and old. Most drivers can benefit from taking one of these programs. During the program, you will learn the rules, techniques to be a defensive driver, and how to drive more safely on today’s busy roads.

The Potential Risks of Driving At An Old Age & Ways To Combat Them

The roads make driving even more challenging than ever before. Instructors are available to help make specific recommendations to your driving habits and what you may need to look at changing in order to become a safer driver.

The instructors are also able to help make accommodations for the elderly drivers that attend and help with vision and hearing problems, or problems with reaction times.

Incentives For Taking These Programs

Simply becoming a better driver isn’t all that these programs focus on. When your elderly friend or family member participates in the program there are other incentives that they’ll get.

For instance, if your friend or family member has received citations or been involved in automotive accidents, participating in the programs can help lower their insurance rates. Most insurance companies will provide discounts for participating in defensive driver programs.

The programs are easy to find, too. You can contact your insurance company, your local DMV, your local AARP office, or AAA and ask for recommendations. By taking these programs, you will reduce your risk (or your family member or friend’s risk) and help them be safer drivers on the streets today.


Loves to write and keen learner to approaches follow.

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