People Are Going Nutty Over This Extremely Hot Veterinarian

Meet California-based vet Dr. Evan AntinHot Veterinarian-Dr. Evan Antin

He’s also so hot I want to fucking die.Hot Veterinarian Sexiest Beast Charmer-Dr. Evan Antin

Antin was named People magazine’s “Sexiest Beast Charmer” in December 2014.

This is him snuggling a serval.Hot Veterinarian snuggling a serval.-Dr. Evan Antin

Antin believes the bond between humans and animals “is one of the most special things on the planet.”

And here he is looking all hot and serious with a really big, exotic iguana.Hot and serious Veterinarian-Dr. Evan Antin


But he cares for the non-exotic guys, too.Hot and cute Veterinarian-Dr. Evan Antin

So cute.

He’s also a former model and personal trainer. Because duh.Hot Veterinarian, formr model and personal trainer-Dr. Evan Antin

That porcupine has no idea who he’s dealing with.

Oh yeah, and he’s a cat person.Hot Veterinarian cat person-Dr. Evan Antin

Kill me now.

But crocodiles are his all-time faves.Hot Veterinarian animal lover-Dr. Evan Antin

“They’ve always fascinated me, and a big part of that is the fact that they’re basically living dinosaurs.”

When he’s not in the office, he travels the world volunteering with animals.traveller Hot Veterinarian-Dr. Evan Antin

“Since I’ve become a veterinarian, it’s been one of the most gratifying things to help out wild animals native to the exotic corners of the world,” he said.

“My appreciation for animals has only grown in the course of my studies and my career,” he said.Hot and sexy Veterinarian-Dr. Evan Antin

Oh to be one of those puppies.

“I think working with animals is something every human can benefit tremendously from.”Extremely Hot Veterinarian-Dr. Evan Antin


Loves to write and keen learner to approaches follow.

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