17 Most Intimate Photographs That Proves Birth Is Beautiful In All Forms

For approximately five years, photographer and mom Leilani Rogers has been taking stunning images of birth in its many forms — home births, births in water, deliveries in hospital, C-sections and much more.

“Birth is considered by numerous to be a private matter, “And yet, it is this astonishing thing that we ought to be showing our kids about and celebrating. So I think people view these photos as equal parts enlightening and captivating.”

Lately, Rogers an accumulation of probably the most intense birth photographs from her collection. though the photographs empower the mothers they represent and sometimes aid cure reminiscences of times when they felt frail or powerless, the the pictures additionally provoke conversation around a somewhat taboo topic.

“I truly trust that these photographs will normalize birth – demonstrate that isn’t ‘terrible,'” the photographer said. “There are people in this world who won’t subject themselves to talking about birth, not to mention seeing pictures of it. In any case, I don’t perceive how anybody can deny that these pictures depict birth as the extraordinary occasion that it can be.”

“It doesn’t make a difference if you birth at home, in a birth center, in a hospital, vaginally, or by C-section. Birth is birth!” Rogers continued. “We all endeavor to bring our infants into this world. Furthermore we all love them with every fiber of our being! Most importantly, at last we all hold the same divine position as ‘mother.'”

Keep scrolling for a look at Rogers’ birth photography.

1. En Caul

“This baby was born completely in the amniotic sac (‘en caul’).”birth-photography-1


2. Daughter Supporting Mother In Childbirth

“The mother’s little girl, age 7, needed to be a part of the birth so she bounced into the birth pool with her mom! She so serenely and sweetly came into the room where her mom was birthing and really needed to help. Later her mom told that it was so ameliorating to have her there, and how much she admired the nurturing nature her little girl had.”birth-photography-2


3. C-Section

“I find those moments of delivery to be just as delightful and captivating as a vaginal birth.”birth-photography-3


4. Polydactyl

“This is a rare occurrence — a baby born with six fingers! Certainly an astonishment to mother and the birth team, yet a unique one. There was no bone in the finger, yet it had a nail! It was intriguing, to say the least.”birth-photography-4


5. Water Birth

“This baby was just born into her mother’s arms in the water. She is overcome with joy.”birth-photography-5


6. Water Birth

“Mother meets her baby for the first time. The delight, reprieve and tiredness is just so palpable.”birth-photography-6


7. Umbilical Cord

“What a privilege it is to get up close to placentas and umbilical cords. They are intriguing and serve an amazing purpose.”birth-photography-7


8. Newborn

“This is my niece, minutes old. Her birth was so serene. She seems as though she just stepped out of heaven. She came discreetly and gently into this world and and took her time opening her enormous wonderful eyes to take in her new surroundings.”birth photography-8


9. Hands And Knees

“I adore pictures that demonstrate that a lady can birth in various positions. They ought not be constrained to their backs. That resists gravity, does it not? For example, numerous times a change in position will facilitate a stalled labor.”birth-photography-9


10. Floral Bath

“Herbal showers are my absolute favorite to capture. Relatively few moms think about them. Herbal baths are done anyplace from a couple of hours postpartum to a day or two later, and help in healing the perineum. They also smell divine (herbs like chamomile and lavender are used) and promote bonding between mother and baby.”birth-photography-10


11. Hospital Birth

“I photograph a lot of births at home and in birth centers. Some might say they are more photo worthy. I disagree. This moment for instance, is mesmerizing. Baby is passing between the womb and her mother. I love the way Mom is reaching for her child, eagerly awaiting her placement in her arms.”birth-photography-11


12. Bathtub Birth

“I see a great deal of water births. In any case, birth tubs take some time to blow up, and fill. From time to time, birth happens so rapidly there is no opportunity to experience that procedure! For this situation, mother knew she required water, so she gave birth in her bathtub. Furthermore, I captured it from inside the shower stall, looking through the glass!”birth-photography-12


13. Two Moms

“This two-mom family’s birth was so wonderful. It was fortunate to the point this present mother’s accomplice is an accomplished doula, since she was in the process of giving birth for 35 hours!”birth-photography-14


14. Peace

“Another excellent hospital moment. It wasn’t until after I returned home and started altering pictures that I saw this minimal one’s hand signal that she felt at peace.”birth-photography-15


15. Father Praying

“This picture has circulated around the web on Pinterest, and I believe this is because dads are so infrequently captured as a part of the procedure. Here a spouse is sweetly appealing to God for his wife amid her labor.”birth-photography-13


16. Placenta

“I incorporated this because most mothers have no clue what one resembles. That confuses me! We ought to take enthusiasm for these things since this astonishing organ delivers nutrients, disposes of waste, fights against internal contamination and produces enough hormones to bolster an entire pregnancy. WOW!”birth-photography-16


17. First Latch

“Breastfeeding support has a special place in my heart. That is the reason I established The Public Breastfeeding Awareness Project. Breastfeeding success starts here though. At birth. Some moms just don’t get the patient instruction they require in order to be successful at breastfeeding. In this photo, I just love the juxtaposition of this experienced midwife’s hands against this young mother and newborn babe’s skin.”

Loves to write and keen learner to approaches follow.

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