Learning How To Move Forward After A Medical Accident

While it’s estimated that medical mistakes account for as many as 251,000 deaths each year, it’s clear that medical errors happen much more often than we’d like them to. Whether you’re heading to the doctor for an ear infection or to the hospital for an injury, it’s important to keep in mind that accidents do happen – even in the medical field. 

How It Happens

When you think of hospitals, medical mistakes are likely the last thing that come to mind. However, they’re more common than you might think. In fact, medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the United States, according to a study by Johns Hopkins. That being said, there are many different ways these kinds of accidents can occur, as they aren’t always due to negligence and malpractice. Technical failure, mistakes made during surgery, medication mix-ups (due to similar drug names), improper transfer of knowledge, and plain human error can all be to blame. However, one of the most common causes of medical accidents comes from poor communication between patient and doctor, which can ultimately lead to an inaccurate diagnosis and improper treatment.

The Emotional And Physical Impact

One of the best things you can do following a medical accident is to prepare for what’s to come – especially if the accident resulted in life-changing physical alterations. Unfortunately, you may be left to deal with complications, and you may have to learn how to adapt accordingly. That being said, medical accidents can also take quite a toll on your emotional health – you may feel as though you can no longer trust the healthcare provider who executed the mistake, and you may consider going elsewhere for medical care. You may also experience depression, anxiety and general stress following the accident. Above all, one of the most important things you can do is to get informed about what went wrong, how it happened, and who is accountable, as it can help you to decide your next course of action – whether it be pursuing legal action or just moving on.

Moving Forward

Depending on the severity of what happened, moving forward can mean something different for everyone. In cases where the accident was caused directly by the healthcare professional, you should consider getting a lawyer involved. According to JJS Justice, consulting lawyers who are experienced in investigating instances of medical malpractice and can help when it comes to getting the justice and compensation you deserve. However, despite what the situation may be, anyone who experiences a medical mistake can benefit from counseling or therapy, which can help with the emotional trauma that these kinds of mistakes can bring on. Overall, moving forward is important, no matter which route you take.

Medical accidents are quite common, whether as a result of human error or any other cause. If you or a loved one experiences a medical mistake, it’s important to assess the situation and take the proper steps when moving forward.

Vidhita Naidu
Vidhita Naidu
I am fun loving, witty, ambitious and the one who loves to play with words.

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