Is Jules Trans in Real Life – All You Need to Know About Jules

Is Jules trans in real life has been a question that several Euphoria lovers want to know? This blog decodes the difference between the actor’s reel and real life!

Season 2 of Euphoria headlines because of R-rated content and extreme sexual abuse scenes for teenagers. Maybe because of all these headlines, the fantastic star cast, and the incredible story, the series outperforms all content on HBO and stood second most-watched in HBO’s history after Game of Thrones.

But amidst a lot of  “is Jules trans in real life?” Many people loved the character of Jules, played by Hunter Schafer in Euphoria as a trans girl.

It’s not surprising that the 23-year-old is also a trans girl in real life. The actor uses she/her as pronouns for her name. The new actress is well-known for her bold voice for the LGBTQ community and her role in Euphoria.

We found a lot of people searching if “is Jules trans in real life” and various other details about her. Although the actress already has a Wikipedia biography page, certain things about her are still unknown.

In this article, we cover everything about Schafer and Euphoria. The reason behind her instant popularity and life outside the screen. Please read to the end if you also want in-depth details about the trending actor.

Who is Jules?

Hunter Schafer plays the famous character Jules from the successful American TV series Euphoria. Jules actor was born on 31st December 1998. Jules actor is an American actress, fashion model, and LGBTQ rights, activist. She received various awards for her stand against controversial laws passed by the Federal government.

She was “21 under 21” on the list of 2017 for her activism against the North Carolina Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, Teen Vogue.

For the first time in 2019, the actress made her debut in Euphoria, starring as a transgender person. The character became an instant hit, and Schafer became a household name.

In the series, she plays the role of a trans girl. This is also why people want to know is Jules trans in real life.

Yes, she is!

Is Jules Trans in Real Life - All You Need to Know About Jules

Since early in life, Schafer has been acting as a voice for the rights of the LGBTQ community and was already famous among that particular audience.

However, her appearance in the popular HBO series made her known to the world and sparked the search for Jules in euphoria trans.

Is Jules trans in real life?

Yes, Jules is transgender in real life. The beautiful actress “Hunter Schafer” is famous for challenging the incorrect laws of the Federal government.

She was already famous in the LGBTQ community, but her screen appearance made her known to the world.

Schafer sees a successful career ahead because people love her character in Euphoria, and the actress is lined up with many projects that she will be working on in 2023 and later.

She is a product Transwoman who regularly speaks about her communities’ rights. If you look for news related to her, there will be headlines about times she raised her voice. People worldwide love her for their acting skills and for being real outside the screen.

Her upbringing and life as a child

If you are searching for is Jules from euphoria tans, then you must understand a brief description of her life as a child. She was born in Trenton, New Jersey; her parents are Katy and Mac Schafer.

Schafer’s father is a Presbyterian minister, and the family has moved to many places between churches and congregations in New Jersey and Arizona. They finally got settled in Raleigh, North Carolina. Schafer also got three younger siblings, one brother and two sisters.

Schafer has been a fighter since their teenage years and protested against the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act on 21st April 2016. In 2017, she graduated from high school and planned to attend Central Saint Martins college of arts in London, England. However, she later changed her decision to focus on her career as a model.

She succeeded and gained widespread popularity for her excellent acting skills and bold voice outside the screen. Her appearance on Euphoria made her search the most for them. Is Jules trans in real life?

Her career

Schafer was focused on her career since her teenage years and left college to join the acting industry. But she made headlines even before being on Euphoria.

People knew her because of her activism related to HB2, teen vogue. She was rewarded for “21 under 21” on the list of 2017, which made her get interviewed by former United States Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

After that, she was immediately noticed by various top brands and acted as a model for Prada, Gucci, Dior, Tommy Hilfiger, Versace, Calvin Klein, and many other famous fashion houses. She was already known to the world, but her popularity was limited to the United States, which she changed through her appearance in Euphoria in 2019.

She again made headlines by receiving various awards for her acting skills and roleplay in the famous American TV series. Her character matched her real life, which is why she could outperform any other actress probably in the role. Soon after her appearance, people started searching, is Jules from euphoria trans in real life?

However, the career story doesn’t end here. In 2020 and 2021, she received various awards for raising her voice for the LGBTQ community, and she is also considered an emerging top 100 leader in the United States. Maybe she will join later in her life, but currently, there are no indications about the same.

Is Jules Trans in Real Life - All You Need to Know About Jules

Her personal life

Schafer occasionally appears on various talk shows and actively shares information about her personal life on social media. She is a trans woman and revealed in an interview that the internet helped her to cope with gender identity. She credits YouTube and social media for learning much about people’s transition timelines.

Schafer was diagnosed with dysphoria when she was in ninth grade to which. Schafer said she likes people to know she is not a cis girl because that’s not something she feels. The actress focused on saying she is proud to be a trans girl.

She is open about her sexuality and occasionally posts pictures and tweets about her choices on social media. That again makes people search, is Jules trans in real life?

What is Euphoria?

Since the beginning, we have been mentioning Euphoria’s success, and till now, you must have got an idea of it being an extremely successful HBO TV series. So, let’s explore more about what this series is all about and the role of Schafer that made people search, is Jules trans in real life.

So, Euphoria is a Teen drama that focuses on American teens and is based on the Israeli miniseries series of the same name. Euphoria’s main character is Rue Bennett, a drug addict teen who is shown struggling to find her place in the world. She follows a group of high school students and experiences drugs, trauma, self-harm, love, sex, and friendship throughout the series.

Schafer played her real-life role in the TV series with a plot twist. She was addicted to drugs when she was 11 years old, but later, Jules recovered and started to believe better in the universe. She was back to everyday life when she met the main character.

Jules is free-spirited and vibrant. She understands the causes of drug abuse because she went through the same experience. She often motivates girls, especially Rue, to stay sober and overdo drugs. However, whenever Jules finds herself in a tough spot where she remembers her past life, that triggers mental harassment.

Euphoria has broken many rewards and gained massive popularity worldwide because of such a fantastic story that somehow reflects the life of teens in the United States. Also, it became the second most watched series on HBO after a game of thrones, and a hot topic for people searching is Jules trans in real life.

What made Hunter Schafer famous around the world?

Schafer was already famous for her bold statement and stood against the controversial laws for the LGBTQ community. In a short span of her career, the actress has participated various moments against those conflicting laws passed by the US government. She had made headlines and received various awards for the same.

However, her popularity in the United States grew quickly, especially in the LGBTQ community. Her casting in Euphoria as a positive role brought drastic changes in her career and made her famous worldwide. Even her leading role in the second season of the same TV series made her search widely across the US borders and brought her contributions to the light.

Schafer sees a successful career ahead in her life, where she is already packed with multiple Hollywood producers. As per the latest official confirmation, the actress will represent Tigris Snow in a feature film, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, in 2023. There is no official confirmation about other projects she works on, but maybe we will hear news shortly.

Is Jules Trans in Real Life - All You Need to Know About Jules

Does she plan for an acting career if it is coincidental?

Schafer never joined college because she wanted to focus on her career. Initially, she was more community inclined and seen in various activities opposing laws that affected the LGBTQ community. Even she received rewards for being a good leader.

But as we all know, Schafer later pursued her career in acting and made headlines with her role in the series. Also, she appears in various shows but never opened up about her acting career. We guess when she found herself served with a role that somewhat matched her real life, she couldn’t deny it and pursued her career as an actress. But the reality is still unknown.

Schafer is pretty active on social media and occasionally shares a few glimpses of her personal life. You can follow her to get those updates, and maybe you will figure out the exact reason behind her joining the acting industry.

Why is Euphoria a controversial series?

If you are searching is Jules on euphoria trans, you might already be aware of the controversy the series has been through. However, it’s not the first controversy for the HBO-telecasted series. They have faced the consequences in Game of Thrones and other series, but despite backlashes, their content beats others and comes out as a blockbuster.

The same thing happened with Euphoria; Critics mentioned that the sexual scenes and drug violence shown in Euphoria are a bit much considered for teens and not appropriate for a wide range of audiences. Still, you can find various headlines/topics on the Internet claiming the controversial reasons why the series is not good.

It seems all those controversies dropped in Euphoria’s favor and made it a worldwide hit. Most reviews about the series are positive. It indicates that the audience has no problem with R-rated content if there is a storyline and if all those scenes are appropriately embedded in the situation.

If you haven’t watched the series yet, then it’s time you should. You will quickly figure out that the reasons behind the controversy are valid. But people loved the drama series.

Final thoughts

We hope you found the correct answer about whether Jules is trans in real life and all other related information about her life, career, and role in the TV series. Euphoria and Schafer both were victorious, giving Schafer a second season with many premium projects to work upon.

Despite controversies, the series was a worldwide hit. Everyone eagerly awaited the third season. The team behind it has announced that Euphoria will have season 3 in an Instagram video. But the official dates and trailer are yet to come.

If you love Schafer’s acting skills and are willing to know more about her life updates, then we recommend you follow her social media accounts. Especially Instagram. The actress is active online and occasionally shares details about new projects or activities. She is already packed with assignments; let’s see which blockbusters are next in line.

Are you still confused about whether Jules is trans in euphoria? Then please let us know in the comments below. If we missed something significant about the actress, then please mention it.

Shusree Mukherjee
Shusree Mukherjee
With 10+ years of experience in SEO content writing, Shusree believes content can move mountains while you deep dive into a pool of new experiences through learning and unlearning. Shusree loves to write on travel, health, beauty, celebrity, food, and all that jazz.

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