Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for You? Case Studies

Is apple cider vinegar good for you? Well yes! It has been backed by studies and researches that you’d read shortly. But why should you read about it? How does it concern you? Is it overhyped, or does it have benefits?

Well, what makes ACV suitable for you is having antioxidant and antimicrobial benefits. Many types of research suggest that ACV provides various health benefits apart from being the most-hyped “weight loss remedy.” Of course, it helps you cut down on excess fat, and there are numerous YouTube videos to prove it. But do you know it also enables you to decrease cholesterol level and control blood sugar level?

Apple cider vinegar indeed contains the least amount of minerals or vitamins. It has a moderate level of potassium. Good brands of ACV contain extra antioxidants and amino acids, so you must always buy the unfiltered product.

Apple cider vinegar facts

  • ACV counts as three calories per tablespoon of consumption. When you dilute and drink it, you burn fat and not the opposite.
  • ACV can prevent many bacterial infections and resists pathogens too.
  • People used to use vinegar as disinfectant while cleaning, using it to treat nail fungus, warts, ear infections and lice.
  • Hippocrates, who is known as the father of modern medicine, cleaned wounds with vinegar more than 2,000 years ago.
  • Vinegar also works to preserve food. It prevents food from spoiling because of bacteria E. Coli.
  • A natural process to protect food from spoiling is to use ACV.
  • Anecdotal research said that diluted with water ACV good for acne. However, there are arguments to prove the facts.

acv for weight loss

How is apple cider vinegar good for you?

Many animal studies suggested that ACV helps to reduce triglyceride levels and cholesterol levels. For this heart, issues are also prevented. However, there are not many types of research available to back the beneficial abilities of ACV. But let us find out how is apple cider vinegar good for you.

What makes ACV a potent health drink

ACV is made from fermented apple juice. Crushing the apples and exposing it to yeast are the two significant steps to make ACV. Then with time, the natural sugar goes into fermentation. It turned into alcohol.

The process is kind of similar to winemaking except here the fermentation happens twice. After the first fermentation, it turns into alcohol cider then in the second time it results in vinegar.

If you think that it can make you high, well you can’t have as much as you think you could. Yes! ACV needs to be consumed in moderation to prevent ill-effects.

Nutrients to prove apple cider vinegar is good for you

You will be in amazement if you come to know how useful ACV nutrients can be for health. Let’s look at the nutrients and find out why these can do wonders to you:

  • Manganese
  • Antioxidants
  • Magnesium
  • Amino acids
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus

acv for weight loss

May control blood sugar levels and help diabetic patients

Apple Cider vinegar helps type 2 diabetes, and that is a convincing fact!

Insulin resistance is the reason for type 2 diabetes. And ACV controls insulin production.

People not having diabetes also can use apple cider vinegar to maintain their blood sugar level. High blood sugar levels cause early aging and other chronic diseases.

Diabetic patients should avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates. Apple cider vinegar benefits them.

Research states that vinegar improves insulin sensitivity even after having a high carb meal. The insulin sensitivity comes down by 19% from 34%. This results in reducing the blood sugar level.

If anyone is taking medication for diabetes, then they should consult doctors before consuming apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider vinegar good for weight loss

Many studies suggested that ACV helps people to lose their weight.

It increases the feeling of fullness that results in lesser food intakes. Further, that leads to lesser calories consumption. Further, weight loss gets its acceleration.

According to a research study, few people took high carb meals with apple cider vinegar. They felt fullness for the rest of the day. The people in the study consumed 200 to 275 calories less than usual.

A study with 175 participants also showed that daily intake of apple cider vinegar aid for weight loss and rid of belly fat.

Drinking apple cider vinegar for weight loss

  • 1 tablespoon (12 mL) – loss of 2.6 pounds (1.2 kg)
  • Taking 2 tablespoons (30 mL) – loss of 3.7 pounds (1.7 kg)

This study was only for three months, so the results are relatively modest.

It is not just one item less or added to the diet, which would help to lose weight. It is the entire diet plan or lifestyle. So, apple cider vinegar will be good for you only when you’d maintain the whole diet and exercise.

Apple Cider vinegar good for skin

Apple Cider good for you if you have eczema or dry skin.

The pH level of the skin also improves using ACV. Skin gets its barrier with the pH balance.

It prevents chances of eczema and other injections to the skin also as it has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

Water with apple cider vinegar works as skin toner or face wash also. Dark spots on the skin also get lighter.

According to a study with 22 participants did not get any effective results after applying ACV. They had eczema, but their skin barrier did not improve. It caused them even irritation. So, you should also consult with your medical consultant before opting for such remedies.

Don’t put apple cider vinegar to the skin directly. It may cause burns to the skin. Dilute it with water when using and then rinse off as it starts drying.

Reduces chances of cancer

It has a lot of nutrients and properties, which can prevent the chances of cancer. Though there is a long way to find the solution to cancer, ACV consumption decreases the risk of having it cancel.

It paces down the cancer cell growth as tumor prevention. However, research is going on to support the facts of this. However, ACV consumption is not the answer to the prolonged treatment of cancer.

The consumption of the fermented apple juice only enhances your health by reducing the risk of cancer, brings a healthy lifestyle.

Shusree Mukherjee
Shusree Mukherjee
With 10+ years of experience in SEO content writing, Shusree believes content can move mountains while you deep dive into a pool of new experiences through learning and unlearning. Shusree loves to write on travel, health, beauty, celebrity, food, and all that jazz.

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