5 Important Tips On Effective Food Sanitation

Perhaps, the food industry does the most critical scrutiny of their products because failure to perform practices of food sanitation will lead to various kinds of sickness and diseases. Also, food is the most consumed products of the human body. For some cases, these are even overly consumed.

For food businesses, it is a must that food would undergo quality control and sanitation observation. In this way, you will be able to sustain your reputable brand, not just in providing tasty food products, but also clean and nutritious ones—not a threat to anybody’s health.

In this article, we will talk about the 5 important tips on effective food sanitation. What do you do in order to maintain your tavern’s cleanliness? The following pieces of advice are helpful not just for companies but also to small food businesses, and even to your home kitchen! Let’s proceed.

1.    Observe proper hygiene.

Even babies, toddlers, and children are taught and trained to observe proper hygiene. Why? Because this will help us get rid of anything that will harm us. Microbes, stimulating diseases that make our bodies deteriorate. If you work in the food industry, you would completely understand why proper personal hygiene matters the most.

Food-borne diseases are usually instigated when people who handle the food do not make certain that their hands, at the very least, are clean. Employees, food servers, baristas, etc. are always encouraged to wash their hands between reasonable intervals of time so the food and beverages that they will handle won’t be contaminated by bacteria and other microorganisms.

2.  Properly clean and sanitize surfaces, counters, utensils, plates, etc.

Second, properly clean and sanitize everything that you use and place things on. As mentioned, surfaces, counters, utensils, plates, tongs, pans, casseroles, everything. You can’t reuse them every day without cleaning them first. Maybe it is really tempting to prepare food batch by batch while using the same set of cooking items over and over again. After all, it’s the same food, right?

Well, that belief may have a point, but as you leave your cooking tools out in the open, exposed to air, they become more likely to be in contact with bacteria. Other pests might also come around and walk through or fly over them. You are never certain what happens once you get done using them.

As a remedy, make sure the surfaces and tools are a hundred percent clean and ready for cooking!

3.  Properly clean and sanitize food equipment.

In food preparation and food processing, industries utilize equipment such as Ginhong industrial mixers, slicers, filters, etc. They are of great use to the process of mixing, grinding, size reduction, and other procedures. But the thing is, they’re quite difficult to maintain, aren’t they?

Don’t lose heart. Your labor will not be in vain. Properly cleaning and sanitizing your food equipment will ensure the quality and cleanliness of your product. A food consultant said that the equipment ideally needs to be separated in parts every day in order to fully cleanse, disinfect, and purify the narrowest parts of each machine or tool. Meanwhile, future advances will someday be brought to our plates for a better way of maintaining equipment.

4.  Maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen by doing basic housekeeping.

Of course, you cannot expect clean food products from a filthy kitchen or production factory. The place itself where all the processes and preparations happen must be well-maintained, tidy, orderly, and absolutely free of dirt.

While cleaning, you don’t just get rid of the dust and dirt, organize things then fumigate the entire place. Bear in mind that you need to be very careful in using cleaning products with chemical content. You must know how to manage and utilize them properly. Being reckless in housekeeping will result in contaminated food and sickly people within the factory, company, or even at your home kitchen.

5.  Clean and improve the state of food storage: keep the right temperature.

According to a report, the growth of microorganisms peaks when a storage’s internal temperature is somewhere between 41 degrees Fahrenheit and 135 degrees Fahrenheit. This data shows that temperature is a major factor of consideration when preserving food, especially the raw ones. The wrong temperature will cause unpleasant effects on food.

To prevent cross-contamination, it is highly recommended that you store your food in the right storage, at the right temperature. Also, don’t forget to clean it regularly!

Also read: How Long Does Food Poisoning Last


If you are a true advocate of cleanliness, keeping in mind and practicing these pieces of advice on effective food sanitation will never be too difficult or demanding. In addition to that, your concern about people’s health and safety creates a huge impact on your principles in terms of personal work and public welfare. Again, observing proper personal hygiene, and maintaining cleanliness will save billions of lives through the prevention of any kind of disease.

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