As you near your menopausal years, such as your late 40s or early 50s, many women experience changes in their body. The changes have clear symptoms which include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, irritability and tiredness. In addition, women have to watch out for the increase in risk of several diseases like obesity, osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes as they age. Below are ways on how to manage menopausal changes.
Determine What Triggers Reactions
Make a list of the things that trigger any hot flashes that you experience. Hot flashes which sometimes lead to migraine can be caused by various things which include foods such as caffeine or alcohol, environmental conditions like a hot room, high-stress levels among other causes. Whenever you experience a hot flash, take slow, deep breaths, in your nose and out your mouth.
Also, you can try changing your eating habits and exercise more to see if it helps. But, there are women who may need medicine to relieve these symptoms, so talk to your doctor if it gets severe. Try and get enough sleep and ample rest. Buy pills for menopause that will help you to stay cool.
Eat Healthily
Menopausal changes lead to hormonal changes which can cause the bones to weaken, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Eat foods that are healthy and rich in Calcium and Vitamin D as part of your diet as well as dairy products like yogurt, milk, and cheese for good bone health.
You can include green, leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach since they contain calcium. Beans, sardines, cereals, fruit juice among other foods are also great alternatives.
You also need to know that as you age, your skin produces less of vitamin so you need vitamin D which is obtained from exposure to the sun. In case you cannot get much sun, consider taking vitamin D supplements or increase your food sources of vitamin D.
Work On Your Weight
Many overweight people experience hot flashes as a result of being overweight or obese. With an increased weight, your menopause symptoms might increase and also your risk of developing diseases such as heart disease and diabetes also increases. If you have gained weight over the years, try to work on your weight by working out to achieve a healthy weight.
This is because many women gain weight during their menopausal stage as a result of changing lifestyle changes, aging, hormones, and even ones’ genetic makeup. Practice slow and deep breathing and meditation are techniques to relieve stress and reduce hot flashes.
Adjust Your Lifestyle
Always stay cool by wearing light clothes, take a cool shower during the day and before bed, and maintain low room temperature by opening the windows when it’s hot to reduce hot flashes. If possible, keep a fan beside the bed to help you cool down when you experience night sweats during the night. All these will enable your body to cool off quickly.
Though many women who experience menopausal changes do not need treatment for their menopause symptoms since the symptoms go away by themselves after a while, in case you find the symptoms and changes to be uncomfortable, you can talk to your doctor about the various alternatives to relieve them. They will help you find a treatment that is right for you, for example, therapy such as Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) among other ways to manage them.