The task of trying to get pregnant while facing infertility often seems like a marathon event. Seemingly endless temperature taking, ovulation tests, IUI’s, prescription shots, and egg retrieval surgeries that will hopefully take you to the finish line and help you achieve your goal of having a child.
But what happens when these things don’t work? What is the next step? While adoption and surrogacy are often considered, many women have trouble with the idea that they will never experience pregnancy. If this is your concern, then it’s time to get started with Donor Egg Bank USA.
Making the Decision to Try Donor Egg IVF
In these modern times, there are a vast number of fertility treatments available to couples struggling to conceive and, thankfully, we’ve reached a point in history where these treatments are no longer taboo. They are better understood than ever before and have become a normal part of our society.
While many couples find it difficult to accept that they require assistive reproductive technologies, electing to pursue surrogacy, adoption, or donor eggs may be the solution so many men and women have been hoping for.
For a woman, accepting the fact that her own eggs are not viable for pregnancy is devastating. Not only are they told that their chance for a genetic connection to their child is an impossible reality, but they could also lose out on the opportunity to experience the joy of growing a baby within their belly.
This is where donor eggs can help. Donor eggs provide women with the chance to carry their own child, even if that child does not share their DNA. The bond forged throughout the nine months of pregnancy is undeniable. Genetic code has no bearing on the joy of feeling a baby kick and move, watching your belly grow week after week, or experiencing the labor and delivery that will bring your child into this world.
From a statistical standpoint, donor eggs provide infertile couples with even greater success rates than some other treatment options. In fact, women over the age of 42 – the most common candidates for donor egg usage – have far greater chances of getting pregnant with donor eggs than with traditional IVF.
All these things considered, it’s easy to see why choosing donor eggs is becoming more popular every day.
Understanding the Frozen Donor Egg IVF Process
After a couple decides on frozen donor eggs, the next step is choosing those eggs. Thanks to companies like Donor Egg Bank, the process couldn’t be simpler. You can search through a database of potential donor profiles to find the right match for you.
Whether you’re looking for a brunette with blue eyes, a master of track and field, or maybe an expert violinist, there are hundreds of women to choose from. Each donor has been thoroughly screened both medically and psychologically. Each donor’s profile includes details such as professional and educational history, hobbies, interests, and even why they chose to become a donor.
When you find the right match, your IVF cycle will begin with a variety of tests and labs that determine your current reproductive standing and whether there are any issues that could prevent an embryo transfer from being successful.
Upon the completion of these procedures, the recipient will begin a drug regimen to prepare her body for the transfer, including medicines like estrogen and progesterone to thicken her endometrial lining. When her body is ready, it’s time for the transfer.
Your chosen egg will have already been shipped to the clinic of your choice and fertilized in preparation for transfer. On transfer day, you’ll arrive at the clinic and the fertilized embryo will be placed into your uterus via a guided ultrasound and thin catheter.
Two weeks later, you’ll return to the clinic for a blood pregnancy test and hopefully a positive result.
Infertility Doesn’t Have to Be the End
When Facebook is inundated with nonstop pregnancy announcements and monthly photo sessions with your friends’ babies, it may seem like your time will never come. But no matter what the cause of your infertility, remember that there are other options. Donor eggs provide an extraordinary alternative that just might be the answer to your problem.
Don’t lose faith in running the race. You might just need a new path for success.