10 Home Remedies for Acne Scars to Get Rid Fast

home remedies for acneEvery woman dreads acne and breakouts. And, the acne scars on the face can cause a lot of irritation. The main cause of acne scars is pricking. When you prick, scratch or squeeze the acne, there may be a formation of a scar on your skin. Mild acne scars can fade away with time, but then there are scars that leave permanent marks on your pretty face. It’s never easy to deal with acne scars as it not only hampers your confidence level but also causes redness on your skin.

Some acne scars are dark while some are light but they can be treated. You heard that right, acne scars can be treated with various suitable treatments. Acne scars can be treated according to your skin texture and type. There are scar removal creams that can reduce acne scars in a natural way. Best anti aging cream Canada can also help to reduce scars and pigmentation on your skin. Natural ways are the best to remove acne scars, here are 10 home remedies for getting rid of acne scars.

Home remedies for acne:

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has properties that stimulate blood flow and speed up healing of the skin cells. Apple cider vinegar makes a good toner for the skin. When applied to your skin in the natural form it can fade away the scars and unwanted marks on your skin. Apple cider vinegar is great for cell regeneration and it can be applied to any skin type and texture.

Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a quarter glass of water. Dip a cotton ball and apply it to the affected area. Leave it for ten to fifteen minutes or as it suits your skin. You can apply this thrice a week for getting good results for your acne scars.

Cucumber and lemon juice

Raw cucumber and lemon juice have astringent properties that help to lighten the acne scars. Cucumber helps to reduce the inflammation and redness as caused by acne scars on your skin. Lemon juice has bleaching properties so it can fade away the dark acne scars on your skin.

Take a part of cucumber juice and a part of lemon juice and mix well. Apply it to the affected are with the help of cotton ball. Leave this for fifteen to twenty minutes and wash your face with cold water. Repeat this process three times in a week to get rid of the acne scars on your skin.

Tea tree oil

Natural tea tree oil has antibacterial and healing properties that help to lighten the acne scars. It also reduces the redness caused by acne and breakouts. Natural tea tree oil has no side effect on the skin and hence can be used on any skin type.

Tea tree oil can also be applied to the oily skin as its safe to use. You can directly dab some tea tree oil on your acne scars and leave it for twenty minutes. Wash your face with Luke warm water and get desired results. Tea tree oil can also be mixed with your regular face wash for getting rid of acne scars from your face.

Egg white

Egg white has active protein ingredient that helps to avert breakouts and lightens the scars. Regular application of egg white can reduce the scars and also brighten your skin texture. You can directly apply egg white on your acne scars with the help of a cotton ball.

Leave it overnight for getting best results. However, if your skin is too oily, you can apply it for fifteen to twenty minutes and wash your face. Do this at least four times in a week for desired results.


Raw garlic has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help to lighten the acne scars. Raw garlic also contains antioxidant compounds that help to avert breakouts on your skin. Take one small raw garlic clove and rub it on your acne scars. Leave it for ten to fifteen minutes then wash your face off with cold water.

Repeat this process twice a day if you want faster results. Eating raw garlic can also help to purify your blood; you can have a piece of garlic daily to avert breakouts and acne on your skin.


Sandalwood has cooling and astringent properties that not only prevent breakouts but also heals acne scars on your skin. Sandalwood has a soothing effect when applied to your skin and it can also help to heal inflammation or redness caused by acne scars. Use sandalwood powder along with rose water and make a paste out of it.

Apply it to your face and keep it until it gets dried up. You can wash your face with normal water and repeat the process five times a week. Sandalwood has no harmful effect on your skin so it can be used daily for fading the acne scars from your face. You can also use sandalwood oil for your acne scars. Sandalwood oil is effective for getting rid of red scars on your face.

Coconut oil

As coconut oil has healing and recuperating properties, it helps to lighten the acne scars on your skin. Most women use coconut oil in face mask for skin, but coconut oil can also be used naturally to remove marks and spots from your skin. Coconut oil may not suit sensitive skin texture but it is suitable for all other skin types.

Take some coconut oil and dab it on the affected area with the help of a cotton ball. Leave it for at least half hour if you want faster results. You can use a regular face wash for washing it off from your face. Coconut oil also helps to heal inflammation on your skin caused by breakouts or acne.


Tomatoes are rich in carotene and vitamin A that can help in cell renewal process and heal the damaged tissues of the skin. Use a raw slice of tomato and rub it on your face or the affected area. Wash it off after fifteen to twenty minutes for good results. You also have an option of using natural tomato juice.

Take a part of tomato juice and mix some honey in it. Now, pat dry your face and apply this paste. Leave it for at least half hour to get rid of your acne scars. Tomato and honey both are great for acne scars on your skin. Regular application can fade away your scars in no time.

Baking soda

Baking soda has an exfoliating effect on the skin and it helps to remove the dead skin cells. Baking soda not only helps to fade away your acne scars but also helps in cell renewal process of your skin. Take three to four teaspoons of baking soda and add sufficient water to make a paste out of it.

Now, apply this paste to the affected area or where there is scarring. Apply in a circular motion or you can also massage it on your face. Leave it for about ten to fifteen minutes and wash it off with cold water. You can repeat this process twice a day and four times in a week for getting desired results.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel regenerates damaged tissues that speed up the healing process. Aloe Vera gel helps to soothe the skin and lighten the acne scars. Aloe Vera gel can also help to avert breakouts and acne on your skin. As Aloe Vera has natural healing and antibacterial properties, it helps to reduce inflammation and redness caused by acne on your skin.

Natural Aloe Vera gel suits every skin type. You can apply natural Aloe Vera gel on the affected area twice a day. This will help to lighten and eventually fade away your acne scars. You can also apply Aloe Vera juice mixed with raw honey for getting good results. Aloe Vera has no side effects and it suits every skin type and texture. Aloe Vera is natural and its way better than over the counter treatments that are available for your skin.

Home remedies can work wonders for your skin, pick a remedy that suits you to lighten your acne scars. Home remedies are inexpensive and they give great results for your skin. And, the best part is you can choose a remedy that is suitable for your skin. Most women are going natural whether it is the products or ingredients for the skin.

And, natural is always the best for your skin. You can get rid of your acne scars fast by choosing a home remedy that suits you. Once you choose a remedy, try to stick to it for effective results. It’s not advisable to change the remedy. It’s your time to look bright and radiant, choose a remedy that works for you.

Loves to write and keen learner to approaches follow.

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