What Home Automation Can Do for You in Canada

One of the newest catchphrases in the technology world is something called “home automation.” Simply put, home automation is the way that all of your gadgets are connected and how they communicate with one another around the house.

Homes have been equipped with automated features for decades, but over the past several years, everything from lighting to thermostat control has been linked to things like mobile devices and smartphones. New technology is allowing the consumer to control things around the home without ever getting off of the couch.

Winnipeg home automation solutions allows the homeowner to set schedules about what should work and when it should work so that things go exactly as planned. It isn’t just about convenience alone.

Many automated home devices help cut down energy costs and help the homeowner be more conscientious about the carbon footprint that they have on the earth. These gadgets also have features that can alert the homeowner if something is amiss, like a leaky pipe, so that they aren’t spending a whole lot to repair things after something has gotten worse


home automation


The best advantage that home automation has to offer is its ability to keep families safe. Security cameras no longer require ripping out walls and hiring a service to keep tabs on the house. Now you can watch what is going on around your Canadian home day and night, right from your phone. You can see who is on your front porch without having to go to the door, and you can videotape the exterior of your home at any time.

Instead of coming home to a dark house without any lights on, which can be dangerous, home automation devices allow you to control the lighting in your home without actually being there. Gadgets can also be set to detect any movements in or around your home.

New automation devices can send you an email or text to alert you so you can see if anything is amiss when things move in the night. These smart gadgets can also warn you if there is water in your basement or let you know if the temperature in your home is too low or too high.

Energy savings

With home automation, you can set your thermostats so that you aren’t wasting energy and money by heating or cooling a home that is vacant. If you decide to spend the night out, extend your travels or are going to be gone for longer than anticipated, you can turn your thermostat up or down from the convenience of your mobile device. That way you aren’t ever wasting money on energy that you don’t need or use.

The fun factor

Not to be underestimated, there is a fun factor with home automation. Being able to stream your music from room to room, talk to a sensor that can surf the internet via voice command or make grocery lists hands-free is not only convenient, but fun.

Being able to change the channel, turn out the lights, change the heating or cooling of your room and lock the doors all from your bed is a super cool thing. Never having to get out of bed in a cold room, check who is at the door, or get off of the couch to turn the music on is just plain cool.

Home automation isn’t a new concept, but over the past several years, it has started to make everything at home much easier and more convenient. The good news is that you don’t need to be rich to have your home transformed into a smart home. You also don’t have to rip out walls or pay a company to have a safe home.

Home automation allows the average Joe to live like the king of his castle without ever having to leave the comfort of his couch. The cost of implementing a home automation system is much less than the savings that you will gain from using it correctly and saving on energy costs.

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