When you get older, certain things around your home are going to become challenging to deal with on a daily basis. And certain things could even become dangerous. Find out what common hazards are lying around the house, and how you can fix them.
An Alternative to Renovations
Renovating your house to eliminate hazards can be very expensive. Projects like widening doorways and installing chairlifts come with big price-tags. Plus, you might find that some of these renovations aren’t possible.
A simple alternative to undergoing all of these changes is to move into a place that already has these accessible, senior-friendly features in mind. Click here to see the perks that these Quebec retirement homes have inside of their independent living suites, like emergency call systems, non-slip floors, and grabrails. You won’t have to think about renovation projects ever again.
If you want to try to renovate your house, these are some of the improvements that you need to think about.
Prevent Trips and Falls
Research shows that falls are the leading cause of injuries that result in hospitalization for people over the age of 65. Most of these falls are in the home.
To reduce your risk of falling, you should think about transitioning to a single-floor dwelling. If you’re not ready to move just yet, you should think of moving your bedroom and your essentials to the first-floor of your house. By eliminating your need to use a staircase, you can shrink your chances of dealing with a bad accident. And if you still can’t make the change, get a stair-lift.
Here are some other renovations that could come in handy:
- Install grip flooring indoors
- Install safety bars in the bathrooms
- Install bannisters for outdoor walkways and front steps
- Get slip-resistant edging for outdoor steps
- Remove tripping hazards (cords on the floor, loose carpets, unnecessary steps, clutter)
Increase Accessibility
As you get older, you might need to use a wheelchair, a walker, or other mobility aid. If that’s the case, you will have to plan renovations that will make moving around with your device as easy as possible. You should hire professionals to widen your doors and hallways so that you don’t scrape the walls as you move through them — or worse, so other rooms in the house aren’t out of reach.
Here are some other renovations that will increase accessibility:
- Replace doorknobs with levers
- Get motion sensor faucets
- Lower shelves and cabinets
- Install an easy-access shower/bathtub
- Install ramps around your main entrances
Use Tech to Your Advantage
Certain activities will also be harder to complete. That’s why you should invest in smart home technology to help you with features all over the house and to make life a little easier. A smart device can change the temperature, turn off your lights, check the weather, and so much more.
Here is some other tech that can make tasks easier:
- Dishwashers
- Washing machines and dryers
- Induction ranges
- Security systems
- Robot vacuums
It’s easier to do these renovations now. You don’t want to wait until it gets too inconvenient for you to move around. You want to get ahead of the problem and make the space as safe and accessible as possible. After all, you deserve to be comfortable in your living space.