Four Reasons to Consider C-Cell for Your Bakery Product Evaluation

How do you measure the structural attributes of your bread or baked goods? Find four reasons to consider your Bakery Product Evaluation.

Traditionally, quantifying characteristics such as crumb texture and flavour, crust colour and loaf volume has been subjective; you look at, smell, feel, and taste a product to analyse it.

There are various AACC and CCAT approved bread testing methods, and now there is an objective way of testing the internal structure of baked goods, and it is a globally-approved method that goes beyond sensory evaluation. 

C-Cell is an advanced device for evaluating bread samples, and here are four compelling reasons to consider using it to assist with your bakery assessments.

  1. Getting it Right Without Multiple Bakes

The level of analysis from a single sample using C-Cell is so comprehensive that you can get your bake exactly the way you want without having to repeat test bakes. 

The C-Cell measures and analyses the following essential factors in baked goods samples:

  1. Cell size – holes, cell areas, volumes and wall thickness
  2. Shape – the visual appearance of a sample, including its concavity, shoulder and bottom roundness and oven spring
  3. Dimensions – multiple measurements for each sample slice, including area, height, width and optimum packaging dimensions
  4. Elongation – crumb cell elongation measurement, providing a visual guide to the axis of elongation, level of curvature of the internal crumb structure, and a specific degree of circulation
  5. Colour –  L*a*b crumb and crust colour, and crust thickness

C-Cell can provide this detailed, accurate and objective analysis of bread samples in just five seconds.

  1. Accurate Analysis

C-Cell is a digital imaging system. It uses high-definition imaging to capture and analyse different baked products. It represents an objective methodology to baked goods testing and analysis that is technology-driven.

A hallmark of this approach is its accuracy. It provides consistent, high-quality analysis of bread and baked goods. 

C-Cell includes dedicated software, which can measure up to 60 different parameters relating to product quality.

  1. Easy to Configure and Use

Despite its technical sophistication, C-Cell is extremely user-friendly, with an intuitive and straightforward interface.

It is designed so that you can install, set up, and use it rapidly.

Once up and running, C-Cell’s data analysis is clear and accessible, with user options that are appropriate for different sample types. The device stores all its data sets in a secure database.

Using it involves these easy steps:

  1. You place your sample in the device’s built-in drawer, which you then close
  2. Once the drawer is closed, C-Cell will capture a digital, high-resolution image of the sample
  3. It then performs a comprehensive analysis of this image

You then review the results of this analysis on a display screen.

C-Cell delivers optimum image quality, and performs its analysis in a single, rapid operation.

Once it has analysed the sample, it provides objective data, from which the user can decide which are the most appropriate parameters to define their quality objectives.

This data is easy to reproduce and transfer for other people to access it.

It includes the following:

  1. Cell data – cell numbers, cell area, abnormally large cells or holes and wall thickness in relation to cell structure
  2. Dimensions – basic slice information about the shape of the sample
  3. Features – area, height, concavity, break points and oven spring
  4. Crumb and structure – additional structural data about the sample using brightness and contrast readings

C-Cell also provides these software features to support users: 

  1. Batch analysis – for increased efficiency
  2. Advanced calibration – for reliability and reproducibility of data
  3. Rapid sample ID – auto-numbering and product ID for faster sample processing with minimal data input
  4. Dynamic screen displays – flexible data display options, providing easy comparison of images and selection of samples

4. Wide Range of Applications

Baking involves chemistry as well as the baking process itself. C-Cell is an objective, analytical tool that supports this chemistry by providing accurate measurements and useful data.

Its core applications are:

  1. Measuring internal crumb structure and external structure, size, and shape
  2. Analysing l*a*b* crumb colour

C-Cell is a practical technical tool in quality control and assurance of baked products, including:

  1. Bread
  2. Cake
  3. Biscuits
  4. Snack foods
  5. Chocolate and confectionery
  6. Aerated products

C-Cell also generates data for the analysis and improvement of food production processes, product development and research, covering:

  1. Test baking
  2. Flour milling
  3. Research and development
  4. Bakery equipment
  5. Development and testing of ingredients

It is ideal for setting key performance indicators in Bakery Product Evaluation and it supports the work of technical personnel in food production.

C-Cell users can build up a database archive of valuable information, with convenient access for re-analysis. 

They can also select different formats for this information, such as reports and spreadsheets.

Bringing Objectivity to Baking Analysis

C-Cell brings Bakery Product Evaluation to new level of objective data to analysis and measurement of bread and baked goods. 

It saves time in quality control and quality assurance, and is the perfect tool to support product development.

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