Flax Seeds Nutrition: 10 Flaxseed Recipes to Make You Stronger

Flax seeds have gradually become a go-to superfood. You can also call them linseeds. Do you think it is a recent discovery?  Well, no! People knew about this great seed years ago because of the immense goodness it contains. The flax seeds nutrition value is enormous and keeps you in good health overall. So, after knowing this, don’t you wish to know more? Well, hang in there and go through the blog! We’ve gone through in detail everything about the flax seeds nutrition and so much more. Could you scroll down to know it all?

Flax Seeds Nutrition

You know that there are several health benefits of flax seeds but don’t you want to know everything about its nutrition? Well, we are here with the details of the flax seeds nutrition. Here are the following:

Fiber and carbs

Your body is getting a humongous 95% of fiber when you have one tablespoon of whole flaxseeds. And 29% of carbs through this intake.  This indicates that your body is getting a low amount of digestible carbs; the total carb intake subtracted from the fiber intake. All of which proves that you are providing your body with a low-carb food.

When you consume two tablespoons of flaxseeds, your body is getting a 6gms of fiber supply. That way, you’re providing the body with 15-25% daily intake according to the RDI (Reference Daily Intake).

The amount of fiber you are supplying your body with is made out of:

  • 20% to 40% of mucilage gums that is soluble fiber.
  • 60% to 80% of lignin and cellulose that is insoluble fiber.

You must know that when you consume soluble fiber, the levels of cholesterol and blood sugar both are in sync. Moreover, it can even improve your digestive health by providing the gut with good bacteria.

The mucilage gums present in flax seeds make a thick consistency when water is added to it. And the presence of insoluble fiber allows flaxseeds to be a natural laxative.

Flaxseeds benefits you by preventing piles, which may happen due to constipation. More so, helping you to reduce the chances of diabetes too.


You are getting about 18% of protein when you consume flaxseeds. The presence of amino acid in flaxseeds makes it comparable even to soybeans.

Although flaxseeds contain important amino acids, they lack the presence of lysine, an essential amino acid. Thus, you can consider flax seeds nutrition to be incomplete.

But flaxseeds contain vast amounts of glutamine and arginine amino acids. All these amino acids present in flaxseeds benefits your immune system and heart.


When you consume about one tablespoon of flaxseeds, your body is getting around 42% of fat. That is, 10 grams of flaxseed is giving 4.3 grams of fat.

The flaxseed fat content your body is getting is made out of:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids-73%. (This contains omega-3 fatty acids that are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and omega-6 fatty acids.
  • Saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids – 27%

Are you looking for the richest source of ALA? Then, flaxseeds should be your choice! Apart from that, the only food that can provide you with a good amount of ALA is chia seeds.

You must know that your body is unable to produce the important fatty acid known as ALA. So, you have to provide it to your body through the numerous foods that you consume.

You can benefit from flaxseed oil in maximum because it contains the most amount of ALA in it. In comparison, the seeds contain the lowest measure of ALA. That’s because the oil holds onto the fibrous structure the seed contains.

Just because flax seeds nutrition content of omega-3 fatty acids is so high, your body gets a lower omega-6 supply than any other seeds.

It would be best if you kept in mind that the yellow varieties of flaxseeds known as solin are not as competent as the flax seeds you get readily available. That’s because the omega-3 fatty acid content is shallow.

Minerals and vitamins

Flaxseed benefits you by providing your body with a lot of minerals and vitamins too. So, we have gone ahead and made a list of the minerals and vitamins you get from flaxseeds:

  • Vitamin B1: The vitamin B1 your body is getting is known as thiamine. This is essential in normalizing the functioning of your nervous system and body metabolism.
  • Copper: A vital nutrient your body requires for proper development, growth, and other functions is copper. You can supply your body with this nutrient too.
  • Molybdenum: Your body requires a fair amount of molybdenum, which is a mineral. Apart from flaxseeds, you can get this mineral abundantly in grains, legumes, and seeds.
  • Magnesium: You must be well aware that your body also requires magnesium, an essential mineral. Nuts, leafy greens, seeds, and grains are other sources which give you magnesium.
  • Phosphorus: It is a vital mineral that can provide your body with the perfect maintenance of bodily tissues and improve bone health. You will find phosphorus in many more protein-rich foods.

More plant compounds

Flaxseeds are a good source of many essential plant compounds. The plant compounds present in flaxseeds are:

  • p-Coumaric acid: You can call this acid a polyphenol, an antioxidant mainly present in flaxseed.
  • Ferulic acid: To treat several types of chronic problems, you require ferulic acid. This is also an antioxidant that is present in flaxseed.
  • Cyanogenic glycosides: When you have thyroid problems in the body, your body starts producing compounds known as thiocyanates with these substances’ help.
  • Phytosterols: You will find the phytosterols to be present at the plant cell membrane. This helps in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in a person.
  • Lignans: Most plants contain lignans in them. They act as phytoestrogens and antioxidants both. But you will get the most amount of lignans in flaxseeds only. It contains almost more than 800 times lignan than any other food. You must know that the brown flaxseeds provide your body with the greatest number of antioxidants.

How to Eat Flax Seeds?

Now that you know so well about the flax seeds nutrition and health benefits, don’t you wish to know how to eat flaxseeds? Well, we have gone through some unique ways of incorporating flaxseeds in your diet and sorted out the best for you.

You can eat flax seeds for weight loss, diabetes, cholesterol, heart diseases, cancer prevention, and so much more. So, don’t you wish to know some interesting flaxseed recipes? Scroll to be in for a surprise:

Toss into Your Smoothies

If you wish to keep your heart healthy with the omega-3 fatty acids, then flaxseeds it is! All you need to do is, add in your favorite ingredients into the blender. Then add 2 or 3 spoons of flaxseeds and make your smoothie at its best. You need to make sure your mill the flaxseeds well enough to make the smoothie tasty. Otherwise, you can opt for the ground flaxseed and add the powder into. In both ways, you are getting the health benefits of flaxseeds completely.

Swirl it with Granola

In America, most people cannot meet up the daily intake of 25 to 35 grams of fiber. So, you can go ahead, make minute changes in your diet, and be sure to provide your body with the perfect fiber intake. Just by adding around two tablespoons of flaxseeds to your food, you’re providing your body with about 4 grams of fiber. All of which will bring you closer to your goal of reaching the 35 grams daily intake. So, make your favorite granola recipes and toss in about two to four teaspoons of roasted flax seeds or ground flaxseed. Make your granola recipe scrumptious and yet provide your body with the perfect nutrient intake.

Use Flaxseed instead of oil in Baked Foods

Some researches prove that you can shun away bad cholesterol levels when you add about three tablespoons of flaxseeds. So, why not make full use of it. You can easily substitute the use of oils in your diet by adding flaxseeds. All you need to do is maintain the proportions well.

If your baking recipe demands the use of oil, use a ratio of 3:1. Use three portions of flaxseeds and one part of the oil. To make it simple, you need to add three tablespoons of flaxseeds and one tablespoon of oil if your recipe needs four oil tablespoons.

But if your recipe asks you to add half a cup of oil, use 1/4th cup oil and substitute the 1/4th cup with 3/4th cup of flaxseeds. You can either used the store-bought ground flaxseeds or try grinding them at home. One recipe which compliments this substitution is baked bread loaves.

Swap with Eggs

Are you vegan? Don’t like eating eggs? Then, try swapping it with flaxseeds. It contains a gluey liquid that can substitute eggs. So, here’s what you need to do:

  • Take a blender and toss in a tablespoon of ground flaxseeds.
  • Add around three tablespoons of water.
  • Let the mix settle until you get your other ingredients together. You can try using this swap in ginger pear muffins, and you’ll be in love with the taste completely.

Flaxseed Breading

Don’t you love the crunchiness and crispiness of your favorite fries? So, we here today with one of the best ways to make a much better breading for your chicken nuggets or fries. All you need to do is start replacing two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds or whole with every two tablespoons of regular flour. You can try this out easily with coconut shrimps or zucchini fries too!

A Meat Substitute

Are you planning to join the Meatless Monday movement? Well, then you will not have to say goodbye to your burgers at all. Just by swapping the meat with flaxseeds, you can surely get the meaty flavor you love in your burgers. All you require to do is leave aside the bread crumbs and add flaxseeds. It’ll bind all the ingredients well and make the burger at its best. Another surprise for- wondering what’s that? Flaxseeds are gluten-free! So, your diet without compromising on your cravings.

Add it to salad dressings

The flax seeds nutrition levels are high. It gives you a good amount of manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, selenium, and calcium. So, why not make your lettuce-avocado salad even yummier? Add in some flaxseeds and give your salad dressing a twist like never before! You’ll provide your body with the nutrients and the stir your taste-buds too.

Make a Healthy Bread Spread

You’ll notice the taste and feel of flaxseeds to resemble a lot like sunflower seeds. It contains a good amount of healthy fat that will allow your spread to get a buttery and creamy consistency. To start with, you may not love the taste of flaxseeds right away. Here, another simple way you can induce flaxseeds and yet not get a strong taste of it. All you need to do is add around one or two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds to your nut butter or any other butter that you love! In that way, you don’t get the taste of it yet provide your body with the perfect nutrients.

Add to Soups

Want some more flaxseed recipes? Well, you can try adding them to soups and give the creamy touch you love. All you need to do is swap around one part of heavy cream use or butter and replace it with two tablespoons of flaxseed powder. If you are a foodie and love your food to be served in the perfect restaurant-style, try garnishing. Take a handful of whole flaxseeds that are brown and drizzle it over your cream soup. You’ll get the perfect crunchy flavor one looks for in a smooth, silky soup.

Drizzle on the Top

If you are one straightforward flaxseed recipe, then it is going to be the one. All you need to do is take ground flaxseed and top your yogurt, oatmeal, guacamole, and more. You can give your day a great start with the perfect supply of nutrition and energy.

Final Thoughts

As we conclude our blog today, you know that the flax seeds nutrition is immensely powerful, which keeps your body healthy.

Just by adding a few spoons of flaxseeds, you are providing your body with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, and so much more. You can even eat flaxseeds for weight loss and other health benefits. It is a low-carb food that is packed with nutrition. So, try to make the most of this superfood only by including it in your diet. But remember not to go overboard with it, or the flax seeds side effects may start reflecting.

Shusree Mukherjee
Shusree Mukherjee
With 10+ years of experience in SEO content writing, Shusree believes content can move mountains while you deep dive into a pool of new experiences through learning and unlearning. Shusree loves to write on travel, health, beauty, celebrity, food, and all that jazz.

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