Famous Love Quotes From Best Romantic Movies


Love! Love! Love!

Love and Romance, the two most reigning emotions of life, never failing words of hope, dream & aspiration.

One can live without food, without shelter, but one cannot live without hope, dream, love and friendship.

Love is the most sublime feature of life and it is explicitly presented in the movies of all generations.

Movies having love as the central theme are blockbusters, super duper hit in the box

Love and romance are two dual themes that never fail in creating mesmerizing charm on the audience.

Parents, friends, family members, lovers, aged people, whoever may be, everybody loves to be loved and love to watch love and romance.

Below is the collection of some amazing dialogues from your all time favourite movies.

Keep enjoying!

Famous Love Quotes:

50-First-Dates 500-Days-Of-Summer Annie-Hall A-Walk-To-Remember Hitch P.S-I-Love-You Serendipity The-Fault-in-Our-Stars The-Vow The-Wedding-Date Titanic Twilight-New-Moon Water-for-Elephants When-Harry-Met-Sally

Also Read: Love Status for Whatsapp


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