Addiction is controversial topic of conversation in social circles. Many people blame the addicts for their predicament, instead of viewing them as victims of an illness. The medical community, however, knows that addiction is both physical and mental. Unless both areas of the problem are addressed, the addiction is likely to return soon after treatment is administered. Many rehab centers not only provide addiction treatment and mental health support but also have different approaches and services for both men and women in all ages. To seek proper medication and assistance, you can visit Ledgehill Treatment Center for Men and Women or other rehabilitation facilities available in your area. There are many things that contribute to an addiction problem. Many addictions begin when individuals are still minors. Their young age makes them more susceptible. Environment and health issues can also contribute to the problem. Consider these items when trying to understand why addiction is so hard to overcome.
1. Age
The age at which a person becomes addicted is a big factor. Many people are introduced to drugs during their high school years. This is often a difficult time for kids. They may feel inadequate and have trouble finding where they fit in. Mentally, this is the perfect set-up for drug use. They simply want to feel better. When drug use stops, the pain of life is brought back to the forefront. This can be seriously debilitating.
Children and teenagers also have the perfect chemical setup in their brains for addiction. The brains of young people work differently when it comes to assessing information. They are meant to learn from everything around them. Therefore, babies learn to do things quickly. The learn in a habitual way. Their brains are specifically aimed at forming habits. Anything introduced during this age bracket is much more likely to become a habit.
2. Inappropriate Treatments
Addiction must be treated very specifically, and the treatment needs to fit the person. Every addict is not the same. They do not all have adequate support groups at home, either. When these patients are released, they have no support to continue their treatment at home. Some may need to be treated with medication, while others need more talk or behavior therapy. Some may simply need someone to be accountable to for many years following their fight with addiction. It can be a full-time job to care for someone with addiction. They may need constant redirecting, encouragement, and therapy follow-ups. It is also important to treat for the correct problem. Some professionals consider the issue of dependence vs addiction.
3. Other Illnesses
Addiction often comes at the heels of another medical problem. People get used to taking their pain medication after an injury. They may not realize how fast an addiction can form. Doctor’s usually prescribe limited amount of narcotic pain killers for this reason. Those with long-term pain from something like a severe injury may overcome an addiction, only to get addicted again later when they must take pain medication again.
Those with underlying mental conditions, such as depression and anxiety, may also have a terrible time recovering. They must be treated for more than one thing at a time. This takes a lot more work, and specialists that may not reside at the chosen treatment center. Severe depression can make it extremely difficult to function. When a drug takes away mental pain, it can be difficult to function when it is stopped.
There are many reasons why people become addicted to drugs. Addiction issues may happen following an illness, or in relation to a mental illness. Prescription drugs are meant to help for a limited time. Recreational drugs may be brought on during the teenage years when the brain is more likely to form a habit. Like any illness, there are circumstances that make recovery difficult.