Best tips for generating powerful essay topics

Before you think of writing a great essay, the first thing that you need is a great topic. While it may appear as an easy task to come up with a topic, this is not always the case. In most cases, students stare at a black page wondering how they will find a topic suitable for the essay. Indeed, having a perfect topic is a key ingredient in how to write an essay fast. This article will offer you some tips you can follow to come up with great essay topics.  


Where do you get your ideas from? Most likely this question has disturbed you. Brainstorming is one of the most effective ways on how to generate ideas. Working through getting a suitable topic may be challenging until you engage others in the process. The old saying ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ is applicable here. 

  • Get someone to act as a facilitator. The facilitator will be in charge of the discussions in the group. 
  • Set a time limit for the discussion. You can set a limit of 20 minutes for the session. Ensure that it is not unnecessarily too long.   
  • State the problem which in this case is finding a topic
  • Encourage all weird ideas. Refrain from judgment so that people will be free to contribute
  • Build on the contributions of others. Consider what others have said and use their ideas to come up with the ultimate topic.


Identify an area that interests you

You cannot be good in all areas. For example, you may be interested in traveling. This means that you can easily write an essay that relates to traveling as opposed to one entailing technology. You are better off if your topic is on something that interests you. It is possible to think that your instructor will not be interested in your topic. However, this is not the case since he/she wants to see the best you can do on a particular topic. When you have problems, you can find a write my essay service for assistance. 

Consider the main idea

You will obviously get different essay ideas. It is impossible for you to focus on all the to. This means that you have to identify the main idea. The rest of the essay will be focused on the major idea you have identified. The topic you select must fit the main idea in the essay. When someone reads your topic, he/she should find the main idea in the essay resonates with the topic.  

Write down all your ideas

After the essay brainstorm, narrow down all the ideas. You will get different perspectives on the topics you can have. Listing all of them down will allow you to have time to analyze each of them. Before you commence writing, you want to be sure that you have selected the most appropriate topic. Hence, do not leave behind an essay topic idea. List all of them even those that appear to be strange. 

Draw a map

Out of the main ideas you have, identify one that seems suitable for the essay. A mind map will allow you to generate more ideas from a basic topic. Identify different categories of your selected topic Next, branch out to identify more areas that are related to the topic. With time, you will realize that there are more facets to the topic that you initially thought. Besides, the essay topics will be more refined and related to something 

Have room for more ideas

When you are brainstorming, do not be rigid. The ultimate aim of the process is to generate more ideas that are appropriate for the topic. With this in mind, be open to new ideas that emerge. Take time and read interesting journals, books, articles and any other thing that will give you information about your topic. This will open your mind to more possibilities and enable you to come up with a unique topic. You can also get in touch with , a genuine essay writing company to get interesting topics. This company has:

  • A reputation for generating unique essay topics and essays
  • Qualified and experienced writers in generating ideas for writing
  • Delivering papers within the allocated time


Undertake writing exercises

Unless you take the initiative and write something, you may never realize that you are capable of having great topics and building on them. Writing exercises will enable you to practice generating topic ideas. You will realize that with the time you are capable of generating a variety of ideas in various areas. Where you make mistakes, do not be discouraged since you are on the right path to becoming a better writer.  

Conclusively, you have learned how to generate ideas to write about. You will no longer need to be worried when instructors demand that you must submit essays. You now have what it takes to be a great writer. While you may have many paper ideas, you will have to focus on a single idea and capitalize on it. Follow the steps outlined in this article carefully and you will realize you can be the kind of a writer you have always wanted.

Kanak is a writer with a passion for exploring various subjects. Her writing style is clear, concise, and engaging, aiming to provide informative and thought-provoking content for a broad audience.

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