Best Chest Exercises For Women: Best Workout Tips

Hello Ladies!!!

So are you people frustrated of the comments you get because of your unflattering physique?

Or are you not able to wear clothes with your favorite neckline because the size of your boobs doesn’t allow you.

Best Chest Exercises for Women intro

Well ladies in this post we give you the easiest and the best measures you can take to get into your desired shape without getting into extremities like undergoing a surgery which is not even guaranteed to give you your desired shape which would also take weeks to fully recover from the artificial changes made to achieve it.

Mostly women shy away from chest workouts, generally assuming one of two things:

(1) That chest workouts schedule includes only the bench press that are only useful for male bodybuilders

 (2) That their breasts would get small due to the workouts.

Both of these assumptions are false. The truth is

  1. There are enormous numbers of chest exercises other than the bench press, and chest exercises are beneficial for everyone!
  2. Heavy weights for chest exercises are not a compulsion, and even if you generally lift heavy weights ladies you won’t get muscular like a body builder.
  3. Your body does not possess the hormones needed for that type of muscle formation. Yeah, it might be possible that there might be a little increment in size, but the positive aspect is that they will become defined and toned.
  4. Moreover, chest workouts are the best way to train the pushing motion which is the main ingredient of functional strength that everyone can draw benefits from advancing to it.
  5. And to clear the second misconception about best chest exercises for women,
  6. That chest workouts will reduce breast size, you need to know that this is totally a myth. In simple words, neither working out on your chest area will not burn fat, nor will workouts for abdomen will burn your tummy fat.
  7. Fat loss is a bigger concept of involving the burning of more calories than the total amount of calories you consume
  8. Amazingly, the best chest exercises for women given in this post will make your breasts look bigger and fuller!
  9. The chest muscles that are exercised during chest exercises the breasts lie directly under them, which they subjected to more force which eventually makes them fuller.

Best Chest Exercises for Women before and after

So no more of excuses ladies and start your day with a little strength training which is the key to your fitness and if you really want to exercise, definitely you should be lifting weights!

To learn about basic chest anatomy, keep reading:

First of all it’s really important for you to balance your chest workouts with your back workouts to stabilize your upper body.

Overtraining the chest that to without precautions can lead to an exacerbate current hunched posture problems which you really want to avoid.

The best way to ensure good results from our best chest exercises for women is that you can prepare a split routine where you exercise different body parts on different days so you can attend your gyming sessions more often without exhausting and overtraining certain muscle groups.

Remember ladies, everyone’s physique and tendency is different therefore everyone’s fitness level is also different.

Therefore it is tough to ensure that how much weight you would need for your session in an article like this. In such cases it is best to start low and as you start getting stronger add weight as much as you can handle.

PS: during the chest flies mentioned below, to avoid any shoulder injury you’ll want to start very low.

Dumbbell Flyes and Presses


Best Chest Exercises for Women - Dumbbell Flyes and Presses

Here’s a three step process of best chest exercises for women. Start with dumbbell chest flyes to work your pecs.

  1. On an exercise mat Lie while facing up, place your feet flat on the mat by bending your knees.
  2. In both your hands hold a dumbbell and drive your arms straight above your chest making your palms facing each other.
  3. Slightly bend in your elbows, start inhaling and gradually lower your arms forming a wider arc out to your sides.
  4. Make sure that you stop just before your arms could touch the floor. Wait for a count of two, slowly start exhaling and again repeat the above stated criteria.


Best Chest Exercises for Women - step 2

For an added challenge to work those muscles extra hard, perform dumbbell chest flyes using an exercise ball.

  1. Sit carefully on an excise ball holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Start by Walking your feet towards the front and then roll back onto the ball until your shoulder blades come in a square position on the top of the ball.
  3. Drive your arms straight above your chest making your palms facing each other.
  4. This is your position for the beginning of this session. Slightly bend in your elbows, start inhaling and gradually lower your arms forming a wider arc out to your sides.
  5. Make sure that you stop just before your arms could touch the floor. Wait for a count of two, slowly start exhaling and again repeat the above stated criteria.


Best Chest Exercises for Women - step 3

Sometimes try to change your technique by switching to chest presses.

  1. Carefully sit on an exercise ball in the same position you used to sit to perform dumbbell chest flyes.
  2. Slowly Bend your elbows and hold the dumbbells close to your chest adjacent to your armpits making your palms facing forward. This is your initial position.
  3. Slowly start pressing the weights above your chest by slowly Exhaling. Halt for two seconds start inhaling again and repeat the above stated criteria

So ladies, these were some of the easiest measures you can take to improve your figure and get into your desired shape. So what are you waiting for gear up and start these best chest exercises for women.

Hurry up grab those dumbbells and initiate your session, and be prepared to pull of any style with confidence. ALL THE BEST!!!!

Kanak is a writer with a passion for exploring various subjects. Her writing style is clear, concise, and engaging, aiming to provide informative and thought-provoking content for a broad audience.

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