As a student, you may find yourself pulling all-nighters when an assignment is due. As a result of internet culture, you may believe this is a normal way to function in high school or university.
While there are a number of easy essay hacks to help you when you are writing an assignment, avoiding the last-minute crisis might be the best way to ensure you write well. If you are looking to make a change, here are three quick tips to help you avoid the last-minute assignment crisis.
Ignore perfectionism
When you are learning how to write essays faster, it is important to leave perfectionism behind. While writing well and clearly is essential to presenting a successful assignment, perfectionism can cause you to get stuck and waste time.
One way to ignore perfectionism is to simply get started. After reading the assignment topic and requirements, write down everything that comes to mind.
This free writing can help you either jot down ideas around the topic or clear your mind of distractions before getting started. Either way, by getting writing, you already start the ball rolling and this may make it easier to begin and complete your assignment timeously.
If, for some reason, you need more time to build this habit, you can go to website EssayOnTime for writing help. Outsourcing your work when things are not going right for you is the best way out. The expert writers there will take care of the thesis, dissertation, coursework, research paper or anything else that you need in quick time and at affordable rates.
Don’t procrastinate
You may not even be aware that you are procrastinating until it is too late. The problem with timed writing assignments is that procrastination becomes the enemy. Putting the task aside for any reason is a form of procrastination, and can lead to last-minute writing and stress.
Even if you are motivated to begin as soon as you receive the assignment topic, you may easily lose interest in the topic or get distracted by your environment.
Motivation needs to be encouraged and sustained if you aim to avoid procrastination. Breaking the habit of procrastination can be rewarding and inspiring. Here are some of the best tips on avoiding procrastination:
Time your breaks
Many people believe teenagers and adults have an attention span lasting ten to twenty minutes. Anything that requires your interest and focus for longer than this can begin to feel like a burden and may make you feel antsy.
Taking regular breaks helps you to clear your mind, but also puts you at risk of giving up. You need to balance work time with break time. What is essential here is to time your breaks and stick to them. Adding even one minute extra to your break for whatever reason is a form of procrastination and may derail your motivation.
Avoid the rabbit-hole
When looking for the information you need to write about, it is important to stay on task. Often you may see links related to the topic that lead to other, unrelated websites.
While you may be interested in other topics, if they are not directly related to what you need to write about, the distraction will pull you away from your assignment and it may be difficult to re-focus.
Rather, choose your sources carefully and stick to them. Staying focused on each source and summarizing them as you read can help you complete your assignment faster, leaving you more time to explore the rabbit-hole when you are finished.
Manage your time
Many students are under the impression that they still have months to complete their assignments. While you may have a long time, it is important to remember the work that has to go into the assignment before you can start writing. Appropriate research, interviews, and multiple drafts of the assignment are essential to writing well.
Writing a last minute essay could become stressful and may lead to poor research or poor writing. Planning and managing your time can ensure you spend enough time on research and checking your drafts so that you are presenting factual information in line with the topic using language that is accurate and clear.
Assignment writing is not something that should be set aside for the last minute. Producing clear, accurate, and well-researched work takes time, and if you shorten this time by leaving the assignment for the last-minute, you will fall short of expectations.
To avoid leaving your assignments for the last-minute, get started immediately, plan your time, and take timed breaks. Staying focused on the topic may feel like a tall order but should be easier with the implementation of strategic, well-managed breaks.