A Day in the Life of a Marketing Assistant

The marketing assistant is the right hand of the marketing manager and the person who puts into action the plans and strategies that the team come up with.  This can be anything from providing admin support to updating client’s social media accounts. But what does a day in the life of a marketing assistant look like?

The day to day job

When you attend Marketing Assistant Training Courses in London or around the UK, you will be taught about the basics of the job.  When you land a role, you will discover these can always be a little different and that one marketing assistant’s day can look quite different to another’s.  Typical daily jobs can involve:

  • Working with the marketing manager and team in the production of marketing materials and literature which can include web content, social media updates, press releases and brochures
  • Collecting information to be used in this content
  • Write and proofread the copy being created
  • Upload it to the websites, social media pages, online libraries and other marketing databases once it is complete
  • Look at analytic software to assess the effectiveness of campaigns and sometimes offer suggestions if adjustments are needed

Marketing assistants can also branch into different areas.  They might be asked to help organise events, exhibitions and seminars to help promote their client’s business.  It could involve making bookings, arrangements for people to travel and stay and even overseeing a guest list for the event.  They may even actually visit the event themselves as well as visiting with clients.

As with other types of assistants, the role is often one of a liaison working with other departments and companies to achieve the goals of the team.  This might mean working with graphic and web designers, being a contact for external contractors and getting other departments involved with projects.

Working life

Many marketing assistants will be based in an office but there can be those situations where you need to travel.  This can be to visit those events where the business or client’s business is being showcased. Or it might involve attending photo shoots, trade shows or just visiting with clients or contractors.

Working hours are similar – most of the time they will be a standard 9-5 but there is sometimes the need to work longer hours when there are deadlines or special events.  Often the nature of the business will dictate when the busy times are: for retail, it is around Christmas while for financial services it can be around the end of the tax year.


When you have good experience as a marketing assistant and have conquered the day to day jobs, there are lots of ways to move to the next step.  These include being a marketing manager, officer either for a company or in a marketing agency. You may move to being a junior digital marketing executive and then to a full digital marketing executive where you specialise in the online world.  Or you may become the marketing executive in charge of a team of assistants for a company.

Loves to write and keen learner to approaches follow.

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