7 Considerations to Keep in Mind When Setting up a Pond

Getting a pond is a good idea. It adds some needed touch of nature to the landscape, giving your property a unique look. But for many people, the work that goes into setting one up is lost to them, and they only realize what they are up against once they have started the process of digging up one. To save you from the surprises, the following are some considerations to keep in mind when setting up a pond of any kind on your property.

Maintenance Cost

Ponds are not rivers or lakes that naturally clean themselves with their inlets and outlets; you actually have to put in some work if you want to have a functioning pond on your property. You have to manually clean it, set up the pumps, and buy necessary tools like a pond filter mat, UV sterilizers, and a host of other accessories. This will also take a significant amount of your time since cleaning requires a good amount of duration for it to be properly done. Sacrifices will have to be made.

The Space

You’ve got to have space for the pond; otherwise, you’ll just be setting yourself up for logistical disasters. A pond requires an area with some cover of shade for the midday sun, which can get a little too hot for the fish, but the trees should not be too much because that means leaves will be falling into the pond, for this reason, a pond should only be set up if you have enough space, a good distance from your house. Setting it up too close may lead to accidents and other sorts of undesirable incidents.

The Size

Ponds come in varying sizes, and the bigger the pond, the more the work. Therefore, think carefully about how much time you have on your hands before deciding on the size of the pond you wish to set up. The average capacity of what can be considered to be a small pond ranges between 500-1000 gallons. Anything above 1500 gallons would be considered a large pond. The budget will also be dependent on the size of the pond you go with; expect to spend more when the pond is bigger and vice versa.

The Laws 

That may be your property, but it is still subject to the laws of the land. Before even considering the idea of a pond, you have to first determine whether you are allowed to set up a pond in the first place. Some areas ban the construction of water bodies due to limited water resources, or it could also have something to do with the environment. Whatever the reason may be, the last thing you would want is to get into trouble with the authorities because you couldn’t resist setting up a puddle of water in your backyard without authorization.

DIY vs. Pro Pond

You can either go with the pros when it comes to constructing the pond or go the DIY route. Using pros has a host of advantages; you’ll get a supremely designed pond that will be able to harness its surroundings to create something natural and exciting to look at. However, that will come at a steep price because professionals don’t come cheap at all.

If you choose to go the DIY route, you’ll have the freedom to try out many ideas as they pop into your head. You get to design the pond exactly as you feel it should be; however, chances of making mistakes are very high since you will most probably overlook a lot of things in the process.

Power Consumption

As mentioned earlier, maintaining a pool is no easy work. You will need to install water pumps to ensure the water circulates sufficiently around the pond. You will also need to install lights around it for the sake of and for security reasons. All these mean that your monthly electricity bills will go up, and you will be forced to make adjustments. If this is not in your calculations, then you may as well scrap the whole idea completely. If you really must have a pond, then go for the smallest one that will not require too many installations.

Seasonal Changes

Do you have a palace where you can keep the fish once the biting winter season comes knocking? Unlike the fish that stay in the rivers that get the chance to migrate to other places with less cold, the fish in the pond are trapped, and unless you transfer them indoors, you will be met by dead fish once it starts to thaw and that’s not ideal. If you live in a warm climate, then you don’t have to worry about this, but if you are from up north, an indoor aquarium will have to be set up for the winter.


There are many other factors worth considering before embarking on constructing your pond. The bottom line is that you should take your time and do proper research before starting anything. Visit other people who have ponds and soak in their advice to get a rough idea of what you’ll be up against. If, after all that, you still have the heart to go ahead with it, then there wouldn’t be any other reason to hesitate.


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