Summertime is just getting started and with it the season of summer vacations. This time can be especially stressful for mothers since we are the ones who are often expected to organize the entire trip. If this is not the case consider yourself one of the lucky ones. However, if you fall into either of those categories you will by no means benefit from our summer travel tips. Read on to figure out how to make your summer vacays more fun and less overwhelming.
1. Get everyone involved
If you’re going onto a small family adventure, for example a daily hike, you can have your kids help you with everything. When you start preparing for the outing you’ll realize that there’s a lot to carry – extra outfits for just in case, snacks or full meals and bottles and bottles of water. There’s no need for you and your partner to carry all of that yourselves. Get your kids a backpack which is appropriate in size, don’t overload them, and pack a bottle of water and something light in it. This way you will help your back and you will teach your kids to get involved in family matters.
2. Do your research
Before planning a trip it is in your best interest to research everything and cover your bases extensively. If you’re travelling abroad this means getting to know the culture you are visiting, the best accommodation for children, things you can do when you get there and so on. Also, you will do a lot of shopping when you are preparing for the trip and you should also do some research on the items you’re getting. The best way to do so is to go through other user’s reviews, a thing that is oftentimes forgotten. If you have a toddler who needs extra nutritional benefits for the trip, a good start to your research would be to read this Friso 3 review.Â
3. Bring some entertainment
Wherever you decide to set off this summer, the best way to have everyone happy is to have them entertained at all times. If you’re going to spend a lot of time in a plane or car don’t forget to pack a tablet or a phone with headphones, so your youngest can stay mostly quiet for the length of the ride. Before your trip, it’d be a good idea to visit a dollar store and get some cheap new toys since the novelty of something new will have them engaged for a longer time. Also, pack some playing cards or a small board game if you have older kids – it’s a great pastime if you plan on going on a beach.
4. Pack efficiently
Before packing make a list of everything you will need. The best way to do so is to go through the day in your head and figure out what you’ll be needing on a day to day basis. Now that you have a list ready you can start packing. Beware of overpacking – carrying a heavy load of things you won’t use is much more annoying than having to hop to the shops if you figure out you’ve forgotten something.
5. Bags are your best friends
Plastic bags, whether they are zip-lock or regular ones, are perfect companions for travel. Firstly, they can be of great help when packing. By having shirts in one bag and underwear in the separate one, your suitcase will be well organized so you wouldn’t have to rummage through it when you need something. Also, keep a bunch of extra bags in your backpack or carry-on, you never know when the need for one will arise.